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Everything posted by scottf

  1. Great signing for them. Was talking to him on sunday and he looks in great shape.
  2. Have you been to Goodison recently? Its terrible even in the home areas, cramped, falling apart and not suitable for the modern times. correct decision to move away imho.
  3. That's pretty reasonable for what you had. Can't complain (although i bet some will).
  4. Correction- You THINK that most people on the Ecclesall area want a house. I think (and obviously these developers do too) that the demographic of people in that area on eccy road are young, sociable people who would like to rent for a few years with their mates/partner, be close to town where they can work, go out and party before settling down in a few years further out of town in the aforementioned 'nice houses' you so desperately want on that site. Definitely the correct decision to build flats on a empty site in a prime position in a very busy area. Good luck to them.
  5. Is that due to the FA cup and then a international break?
  6. Rubbish- I guarantee that 98% of Wednesday fans would swap position with Sheffield United right now. A 1off game (even though it was an amazing game) doesn't compare with testing yourself against the best in the country week-in week-out.
  7. As a supporter i definitely prefer the League 1 kick off times. Everything else the premier league.
  8. I had some friends live in these flats and it got really noisy on Friday and Saturday nights from what i can remember.
  9. Nothing wrong with around there at all, shops, schools and a real decent Bakery and chippy on your doorstep.
  10. Did Alan Kelly ever play for the ROI against England?
  11. I just used these guys in Orchard square to resize a ring- faultless - https://www.michaelspencerjewellers.co.uk/
  12. 3-1 to the blades, think they are in a false postion so far. Great finishing but lowest shots take in the league against our developing defence. We got this.
  13. I thought Bannan should be playing in the premier league according to some wednesday fans?
  14. Can't wait for this, glad we managed to get tickets for this game
  15. No point being facetious about it. I used to stand on the Kop and on the Old John street and my personal preference is to be sat down, what's wrong with that? It's not an education in sociology and psychology, its about someone not appreciating that others can have other opinions that differ to yours. I'm sure if you were stood in front of him he'd just give you some verbal abuse and push you out of the way because that was ok in the 1970's 🙄
  16. See i'm the exact opposite, for me id much prefer to sit down in my seat and watch the game. It means I can sit next to my young son without moving to the front row of the stand and idiots don't act like its a moshpit when we score, pushing forward 20 rows.
  17. Exactly this above. I have been to football grounds in Germany and also the USA that have this installed and it is very successful. The 'seats' in Orlando's stadium even have a beer holder
  18. No, you can print them and use them, i did on my last visit and im pretty sure that alot of the older people who use the hall won't have smartphones.
  19. You do realise it won't be back to the olden days of standing where you want? You'll have an assigned spot and you'll have to stick in your allocated space.
  20. Can i ask why you are wanting the council to give you a 2-3 bed house when you don't have any children? Surely you must realise they will give this to someone who needs it more?
  21. I know people who live around there and they have seen multiple occasions of police chases, gang violence and drug dealing- im sure its not bad all the time but its generally known as one of the more dodgier areas of sheffield. I apprecaiate that viewings are a struggle. Have you tried looking further out? There are some places in Rotherham which are better value for money? this for example- https://www.elr.co.uk/properties/14722387/lettings or somewhere like this - https://www.elr.co.uk/properties/15510661/lettings
  22. I wouldn't choose to live round there if you can help it. What is your budget for renting your 3bed per month?
  23. It flew over the Coal Aston Gala on Saturday and did a few loops.
  24. I live on a hill so they were made bespoke for my drive unfortunately, which is a shame as i agree i'd get far more private.
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