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About scottf

  • Birthday 23/07/1981

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    The Republic of Dronfield
  • Interests
    Running- Lots of it.

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  1. Great signing for them. Was talking to him on sunday and he looks in great shape.
  2. Have you been to Goodison recently? Its terrible even in the home areas, cramped, falling apart and not suitable for the modern times. correct decision to move away imho.
  3. That's pretty reasonable for what you had. Can't complain (although i bet some will).
  4. Correction- You THINK that most people on the Ecclesall area want a house. I think (and obviously these developers do too) that the demographic of people in that area on eccy road are young, sociable people who would like to rent for a few years with their mates/partner, be close to town where they can work, go out and party before settling down in a few years further out of town in the aforementioned 'nice houses' you so desperately want on that site. Definitely the correct decision to build flats on a empty site in a prime position in a very busy area. Good luck to them.
  5. Is that due to the FA cup and then a international break?
  6. Rubbish- I guarantee that 98% of Wednesday fans would swap position with Sheffield United right now. A 1off game (even though it was an amazing game) doesn't compare with testing yourself against the best in the country week-in week-out.
  7. As a supporter i definitely prefer the League 1 kick off times. Everything else the premier league.
  8. I had some friends live in these flats and it got really noisy on Friday and Saturday nights from what i can remember.
  9. Nothing wrong with around there at all, shops, schools and a real decent Bakery and chippy on your doorstep.
  10. Did Alan Kelly ever play for the ROI against England?
  11. I just used these guys in Orchard square to resize a ring- faultless - https://www.michaelspencerjewellers.co.uk/
  12. 3-1 to the blades, think they are in a false postion so far. Great finishing but lowest shots take in the league against our developing defence. We got this.
  13. I thought Bannan should be playing in the premier league according to some wednesday fans?
  14. Can't wait for this, glad we managed to get tickets for this game
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