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  1. Just a thought before and after the election . The usual gang off Tory supporters come out at night like vampires trying to take lumps out off labour, I wonder if I put a photo off my paid up labour party membership card .would they all go to ground again , Keep going lads help is on its way Good. Night,
  2. Well the general public was not convinced on voting day were they E
  3. We know we have to have some private companies But not such as Water gas’s heigh ways Railways Bus companies . And why cut the councils money by 40 per cent ,cut police spend millions and millions on that dud Rewanda idea Billions wasted on covid materials You vote for your beloved Conservative Party , Not for Me ,
  4. They did not think off people in this country only a chosen few, Did the conservative last time voters think Hunt was making every thing private for most off the general. Public . NO CHANCE . People move up the property ladder and think their political status have changed How ? Let’s hope for the sake off this country they don’t fall for the three card trick again Same in USA don’t let a lying cheating man like TRUM P get in power. again , He is dangerous .
  5. They will try very hard to make Joe pubic , think other wise Strange how they fall for it But look how they fell for Johnson ?
  6. Only 4 years and 11 months to. go H Let’s see if all the lying with help off the BBC and Telegraph can bring your crew back in power I. Really Hope not . ,
  7. You live in a different world to me . When I left school from secondary modern I was like thousands off others in late 1950s Things were very different than today I loved hard work . So went doing a job I enjoyed I could earn slots more money than steel workers. Miners ! Shop workers and the rest . But when the lean times came . The firms cut there prices by then I had two children to young for wife to work If you are under 60 you have not got a clue how the times were then. But I suppose I will get all the crap conservatives spout It given you a opening
  8. Let’s face . You can look at the state off the country which ever way you like. It’s in a mess. And if the last government had got in again it would be Hunt carrying on making everything private Share holders skimming off the top . And getting even richer . I for myself don’t want that When I was in the job I did , You got a man who worked in the firms of office cutting low prices. While running about in a firms car and on a good wage . And. Probably getting a bonus for cutting our prices , while we built all the houses . Don’t bother answering this as most on here no nothing about it !
  9. I can’t understand why a guy who came from a council estate like I did not wanting the people off the same estate to earn a good living. They may have fell for the last Five prim ministers But I bet most have seen the light now ,
  10. How did your gang pay for Rewanda Tax Payers Share holders creaming off the top , don’t bother answering . You have had 14 years to put things right You are so boring excuses all the time
  11. Give them a chance old boy . Stop getting Jam Paste Those two have had theirs . Along with Five prim ministers
  12. Theresa Coffey .Starmer should not even think off letting her in the Labour Party Another Chocolate fire Guard . Next we will be getting Mr Nice Man Hunt. Wanting to join I would put them both on a demolition gang ,
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