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Baron99 last won the day on May 25

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  1. My bold. 1960's River Don. Rat pee & rusting shopping trollies 😂.
  2. FYI - The Halifax Bank on the High Street closes Tuesday 9tb July.
  3. My bold. So their doing their best but it's never going to be the same. And as for 'recreating the water profile'? I guess that means adding additional chemicals. Maybe that's what created the iffy taste of the pint I had a few months ago. People messing about with water, you couldn't make it up. Shame we don't have the German's purity laws when it comes to brewing.
  4. My bold. Agree. I had a pint of Stones in the White Lion at Heeley a couple of months ago. It just tasted bland & quite frankly a bit strange.
  5. I remember when I used to get my haircut at Taylors barbers on Surrey St, when John Taylor was running it, think he was the grandson of the original owner. You'd see men walk in with a full head of hair, get taken downstairs & after about 5 mins, come back up & walk out with a hat on with clearly nothing underneath the hat. When they used to sweep the floor, along the back wall their was a long seat for customers & in the middle one panel would open under the seat & all the hair would be brushed down the there & must have dropped into the basement area & I'm guessing was a cheap source of material for wigs?
  6. A fight & subsequent stabbings in Broomhall last Friday. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crgmj0jxemwo It might be on the BBC website but not heard a peep on Radio Sheffield news. Is that how commonplace stabbings are these days, unless someone is actually murdered?
  7. Oh its great. Even on a cold winter's morning it's refreshing. Ask your barber for a number 8 all over. That's an inch. If that suits try a 7...6...etc.
  8. I'm lucky, I've a good head of hair, (thanks dad & the rest of the ancestors) but after the first Covid lockdown it did look ridiculous with quite long hair, despite the odd trim from the wife. First chance I got I was in the barbers & asked "The usual?". For some reason I found myself saying "No. Give me a number 1. That first cut, right down the middle of my head, forehead to the nape of my neck & I nearly freaked out, wondering what I'd done, how my wife would react? But I remember leaving the barbers & walking out into a lovely sunny morning with a gentle breeze blowing round my head & it felt great. I've kept it the same way since with a haircut every 3 months now. A lot less messing about.
  9. The best games I've seen so far involved the Turks. They played with pace, enthusiasm & weren't prepared to just sit on the ball & pass sideways. But for a couple of exceptional saves from the Dutch keep, we'd have been playing them on Wednesday night.
  10. The charges against him & his brother in Romania haven't been dropped. He's still has to stand trial.
  11. I voted for the Alternative Vote (AV) system back in 2011. Yes, you'll probably end up with coalitions but at least it forces Parties to work together but you do end up with more voters being represented in matters & it curbs the excesses of parties with large majorities believing because they have a large majority, it gives them the right to introduce legislation that wasn't stated in their manifesto, just because they have an unchangable majority. The Lib Dems have always advocated some form of PR/AV, has gave the Greens. It'll be intresting to see if they are willing to work with the likes of Farage because has he said, PR is definitely on the agenda for Reform.
  12. Yes, Sleepy Joe is looking increasingly tired. He does look as though he could drop off mid way through a sentence. Biden: "Only the Almighty could compel me to quit." And He might just do that!
  13. My bold. Well when we played Slovenia & Slovakia, as pointed out by the various pundits, we knew full well that both of them would be set up as a 4-4-2 because they always set up as 4-4-2. They've been playing this formation for years. They both did but we still struggled against both of them.
  14. Well have become a society that appears to applaud & reward mediocrity. Football appears to be no different to other areas of UK society. No doubt whatever the outcome of the Euro's, Gareth's in line for a New Year Knighthood & if we make it to the final & win it, whoever scores England's winning goal will be expecting sainthood status.
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