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Thirsty Relic

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  1. Padders, I though that that roughian hackey lad was banned from the pub - the pub he tried to get shut down, then want to get hired as a doorman to stop good, regular customers from coming in, AND spying on us from above with his (supposedly) stealth devices. I know some of the facilites are outside - perhaps we need some kind of orning (probably spelt rong!) to stop outsiders seeing us in the loos? Interesting!
  2. (my ears were burning, so I logged on and found my name being mentioned!) Welcome, and I can confirm that the Bar has plenty of comfortable seating for couples, settees and the like, some with tables so crisps etc can be accomodated. Look forward to seeing you both soon!
  3. it was late at night, and after a few in Padders Bar (and others). I didn't take a screen shot, but it was saying I needed to set up some kind of financial subscription to the forum to continue using it. Will try and be more alert if/when it happens again.
  4. as I attempted to follow this thread, I was assaulted by some kind of trojan/virus/whatever that wanted me to sign up and give them money. Is there any chance the mods can look into this? how can I pass this to them?
  5. Now you've brought it up - I can never understand why we've got to stand in it, rather than be seated. Surely you can afford some cheap plastic chairs (and tables of course to but the beer on while we do our crosswords read newspapers or consult our phones?
  6. WIN???? aproximately what the England team won --- plaudits (very few) ,and nothing else! The previous time this ran (Euro 2020) it had an outright winner (Mr.Bloke) and (despite requests) he has not only not participated this time, but he has not returned his trophy. Therefore, we have nothing to give to those who.....not only didn't win.... but also didn't make the final. Sorry! Oh well, at least we all tried...... Maybe we at Padders Bar will look into doing a similar competition for the next World Cup in a couple of years - the last one was boycotted due to where it was held -- we'll see what people think the next time around......... Thanks again to you mate, and all other participants!
  7. =============== (final) UPDATE ============================ Well, its all over now, and we can resume our normal lives until the next major competition, when we can try to rectify "60 years of hurt". As far as our little in-house competition is concerned, none of us got covered with glory, with our best efforts coming from the following, who each had a team in the semi-finals: Padders Baron99 cressida BigPP hackey lad Well done to those 4, and thanks to all competitors for taking the trouble to take part. Hope you all enjoyed it! =========================================================
  8. there are a number of medical conditions that could cause that.......
  9. Padders, one minute this guy is trying to gather data on the bar and have it closed down - the next he's wanting you to employ him as a bouncer. Is something amiss here?
  10. Hmmm - spoilsport! Hows about a free pint for a show of ingenuity?
  11. I hope you've got enough beer in mate, I'd hate for you to run out! It's a long walk (or stagger) to that other bar (we'll not mention its name) near you, and we prefer the atmosphere at the famous Padders Bar!
  12. if you go to kick or punch a player and miss, expect to be sent off for violent conduct
  13. Not a penalty - not a free kick either as the player is entitled to go for the ball. No intent to foul, just going for the ball or to block the shot.
  14. that looks like a lot of bubbles on the inside of the glass (possibly suds?). More rinsing after washing the glass needed perhaps? Don't have too many of them though - if so you may be asleep and miss extra time and the penalties!
  15. I don't normally quote myself, but from it you can see that I mis-read Padders. I knew that there were 2 of you still in the competition . Sorry that that was overlooked, and that I did not react and correct our fellow poster. As an impartial observer (since my 2 were cruelly knocked out), I still hope England win! If it's anywhere near as good a match as last night, I think we're all in for a treat!
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