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  1. Seems there’s a fair few Owls fans in the Dearne Valley, strictly speaking Donny area.
  2. I heard that as well, plus ship loads of weapons from Ghaddafi . Got myself a glock 45 The lads in the BBC were dead jealous at away games
  3. Few Mexborough Owls flags on show , plus a DN12 Flag, (Conisbrough, Denaby ?). Must be a fair few Owls fans that way .
  4. The modern Conservative Party aren’t actually Conservative they’re more into classical liberal economics. I think it’s Tufton street in Westminster where all the neoliberal think tanks are located, the IEA, Centre for Policy Studies, Adam Smith Institute, Tax Payers Alliance etc. In essence they’re lobby groups for the Tory Party and frequently on QT, Politics Today etc. Educate, agitate, get involved, engaged in politics. Join a Union
  5. Globalism, free market fundamentalism, other expressions
  6. I reckon I mention Thatcher in conversations at least weekly. Usually in conversations about neo liberalism. Nights at my house just fly by. She has a statue in Westminster and she is absolutely revered as a gargantuan figure on the Right. So Anna B are you actively engaged in politics ? Not asking you to say which party or campaigning group
  7. Which would be impossible in Daddy’s case ‘cos he never seems to have an « opinion » 🤩
  8. I was once refused service in the Frog and Parrot for my attire. I was once refused service in a Pub tap room ( vaults in Manchester), in Manchester because I was with my girlfriend, and women weren’t allowed in the tap room.
  9. I can empathise with you there. Every time I go to my local in France the customers always start speaking in French. Rude or what !
  10. Looks like we’re all on the slow boat to hell
  11. The biggest threat to western democracy is neo liberalism. The idea that having a vote gives us all an equal say in how our world works is a fantasy. Extreme wealth invested in a small number is a big threat. Bill Gates for example has met three US presidents and the Chinese President. He donates millions to the BBC and donated £10 million to the Guardian. He doesn’t do it out of the kindness of his heart
  12. Agree. Yet it took the miners strike of 1984/5 to “wake you up” politically ?
  13. Read a book a few years ago on how this project first started. Fascinating stuff but very depressing. No one ever questions this ideology, just accept it as “ the way things are”. Not sure where the concept of the Overton Window came from but makes a lot of sense. The Right as such are pretty good at organising the world to suit their purposes. The Alt-Right, are successfully using Gramschian tactics to effect cultural change.
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