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Rate The Last Film You've Seen With Marks Out Of Ten - Part Two

Jeffrey Shaw

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On 09/12/2019 at 08:07, Mr Fisk said:

I See You  6.5/10


Surprisingly good film which I came across whilst trying to find a movie for Sunday night.


Could be described as a thriller with a good mix of suspense- above average film and worth a watch.

Was this the one with Helen Hunt? Theres another one from this year with the same title that looks awful!

I watched the HH one last night, its a decent film with just enough twists and turns to make it interesting. Helen Hunt looks a bit strange tho!

Id agree with your 6.5/10.

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1 hour ago, nikki-red said:

Was this the one with Helen Hunt? Theres another one from this year with the same title that looks awful!

I watched the HH one last night, its a decent film with just enough twists and turns to make it interesting. Helen Hunt looks a bit strange tho!

Id agree with your 6.5/10.

Yes it's the one with Helen Hunt.


I didn't recognize her when first saw her in the movie- she does look different.


I'm of the view she's gone under the knife and not exactly done a good job. Shame as she was very pretty naturally, especially remember her in As Good as it Gets.

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Rise of Skywalker - 7/10


There's so much I want to say about this, where it's good and where it's bad, but won't because I'd have to spoiler-tag whole paragraphs. I'll just leave one comment, entirely joke-free and only slightly spoilerish, that


the most emotional and moving acting in the whole movie came from the Wookie. Give that walking carpet an Oscar.


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On 02/12/2019 at 14:40, Mr Fisk said:

The Irishman    8/10


Surely to please the Mafia movie fans or followers of Scorcese and De Niro- I fit in both categories.

Enjoyable romp of 3 hrs which dwells in to the Hoffa links more than anything else.

I was a bit dissapointed with this tbh, very long and i found the political aspect of it a lot less interesting and boring compared to the full on gangsterism of the likes of goodfellas, and casino tbh


other recent films i was a tad dissapointed with

Rambo last blood(6/10)

Once upon a time in hollywood (7/10)



zombieland 2

Banana splits the movie were exactly as you imagine, rubbish but meant to be lol (7/10 each)


The Jokers still the best film ive seen for a long time (9/10)

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Saw the latest Jumanji offering,some decent visuals,but the polts very thin,like some of the jokes 6

Rise of skywalker another x mas another starwars movie,very watchable and yet predictable too 6

Battle of midway quite enjoyed this slow starter that got better quickly 8

Terminator returns for sarah conner and arnie,cant say it will live long in my memory but had its moments 7

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Bumblebee. I would imagine the preproduction meeting went like this.


Exec1 - "How can we make more money out of transformers?

Exec2 - "Just make another one?"

Exec1 - "No, the viewing public won't fall for that again. We need to do something different. How do Marvel get away with it?"



I fell asleep, despite the soundtrack and a cast who did their best given what they had to work with. Im sure the finale involved wisecracks (the explosions stirred me from my slumber a bit) overall though, it was crap. 3/10

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Watched some of the more recent BIG movies,as i've just rejoined sky movies.


Bumblebee - 3/10

Captain Marvel - watched it a few times and it gets better, would have been 8 except for Jude Law being in it - 7/10

Marry Poppins - 1/10

Glass - disappointing - 6.5/10

Avengers-End Game - 9/10

Cold Pursuit on Prime - 6/10

Shazam - 1/10


Edited by willman
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Bohemian Rhapsody - now im not a Queen fan and don't care one jot about the accuracy of the film. But this made me choke big time.

(I've since watched some stuff on TV on Freddie and i have to say how won over i was by him.) 9/10

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