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melthebell last won the day on February 9

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About melthebell

  • Birthday 13/04/1969

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  • Location
    Near whitby, originally from Sheffield
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    This that and tother
  • Occupation
    Shift worker at sainsburys

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  1. Well they'd get nicked in Hackenthorpe and not by the birds
  2. My point is if there's less people employed to check people are taking their medicines due to cuts there's more chance people may not be and getting away with it.
  3. so by that reasoning, Government agencies can break peoples right to privacy as long as its for a good reason?
  4. Id say it goes back further, It was Thatcher that brought in care in the community, people were moaning about what was happening in institutions. Care in the community sounds ok in theory, not being locked in big concrete buildings for years if not the rest of your life. The trouble is like all services, successive governments cut services and underfund services to save money. Its then a bomb waiting to explode, people need help, struggle to get help, their mental health then gets worse. Families struggle to cope, get no help, less offices and people to visit for help. if somebody with mental health issues won't take their medication, the family can't get them to take it, and there's nobody in mental health services that can make them take it they don't take it, they get worse, they have "episodes", which can have dire consequences. Not saying that's what has happened in this case mind.
  5. I was only listening to one of my Four Tops lps the other day, now theres no tops
  6. Steven Seagull banned from shop Apparently he's nicked 30 bags of crisps in 2 months, wonder if the posters will help. I agree cant be easy telling your bosses losses are down to a dastardly seagull https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cyj422rneddo
  7. but the people who let him out of jail will have thought of the hypothetical question and come up with answers, if he breaks the rules he'll be back inside faster than he can hit the volleyball
  8. LOL so Liz Truss has been on US tv calling her a failure LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL the irony
  9. wheres he working with kids, hes at the olympics playing volleyball? his teammates arent kids, i presume there will be parole restrictions on him about no being round children etc, he'll be spending most of his time on the court or in changing rooms, or a french hotel room.
  10. we said it was a gimmick and a sham from the start, one thing the tories never told us, or parliament is that they were planning on spending 10 billion pounds on it, criminal
  11. technically no, it only affected Microsoft windows computers yes, but that leaves plenty of Linux and Mac machines unnaffected, the other two companies have nothing to do with the subject matter. what i was more concerned with and its been asked in the news pages too, using one single security company for so much of the worlds IT infrastructure is asking for trouble though, like this incident, one single dud update brings half the world to a standstill. and now countries like China and Russia know they only have to manage to hack that one company to bring half the world to a standstill again.
  12. NHS (generally) Schools Labrokes more and more companies are blaming Crowdstrike (an Antivirus / IT security firm) for a rogue update
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