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Yet another shooting in Sheffield 16th September


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Simplistic. Wouldn't work.


Ok why would it fail?

We got to address the issue of gun and knife crime it's not going away anytime soon we have some teenagers tooled up walking the streets they think it's ' cool' the pull of gang culture is strong how do we change that ?

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Ok why would it fail?

We got to address the issue of gun and knife crime it's not going away anytime soon we have some teenagers tooled up walking the streets they think it's ' cool' the pull of gang culture is strong how do we change that ?


By forgiveness :hihi:

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Mandatory, effective, comprehensive, and up-to-date drugs education for all school children, with regular top-up sessions as necessary, eg when new drugs start to appear, new guidance emerges, or new changes in the law - and the same for gun and knife crime education, with 'real life' speakers for all three.


Local drug help centres and drug distribution centres with free detox and education programs for all.


Free vocational, further and higher education for all, no matter age, status, etc.


More use of pop-up street scans for knives and guns, particularly in areas already affected.


People to stop hiding their heads in the sand and pretending that 'targeted' knife and gun crimes aren't something we should be concerned about. This coupled with the rise in young people with mental health problems not being addressed is a ticking time bomb.


If we don't get this under control now, we will have no chance and soon will become worse than the USA because good, innocent people will be the only ones without guns.

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Ok why would it fail?


Because there's ample evidence to suggest that simply upping sentences has no deterrent effect. For ideas that would genuinely impact on knife and gun crime look at the ideas proposed by Lex Luthor and Top Cat's Hat above this reply.

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The courts are to soft on people who carry and use weapons.

The sentences should be as follows.

Life for killing someone and I mean life.

30 years for wounding someone with a gun.

25 years for the possession of a gun.

20 years for stabbing someone.

10 years for carrying any kind of bladed weapon

Why waste money on board and lodgings for years?

They'll never be any good for anything, just put them down and use the organs for spare part surgery, at least they'd then be making a contribution to society.

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Is it really that frightening? Firstly its contained to certain areas Burngreave being the main one. Second its a targeted shooting. We are no more likely to get shot at getting a bottle of milk from the corner shop now as we were 5 years ago. These are gangs of mainly lads fighting with each other.


Yes the police need to do more but I think the law abiding public is safe its just the gangs that are not.

Burnreave, Wybourn, Woodthorpe, where else?

'just lads fighting each other?' ah well that's ok then.

Honorable lads, just like the Krays. Innocents are as safe as houses me old china.

Until you stand up to one of them. Been there, done that. It doesn't take much for 'innocents' to get on the wrong side of these hoods, and if you can use your fists (which I was trained all my life to do) then we'll just pop you brother!

Don't give me this nonsense about civilians being safe, as long as there are guns in the hands of criminals and the police are unprepared, underfunded and the courts and government do little to address this, then I don't feel safe.

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Because there's ample evidence to suggest that simply upping sentences has no deterrent effect. For ideas that would genuinely impact on knife and gun crime look at the ideas proposed by Lex Luthor and Top Cat's Hat above this reply.


Can you provide evidence of a criminal shooting or stabbing someone out on the streets whilst they are in prison ?


You cant walk down the street and stab or shoot someone if you are in the slammer.

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