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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I agree with Al she is after publicity. I’m pleased she had been charged, all politicians should be able to walk the streets without being subjected to having things thrown at them.
  2. There’s Only One Rob Burrow I found this documentary heartbreaking to watch, what a brave man he was.
  3. The person who threw the milkshake over Nigel Farage should be prosecuted and that goes for all politicians who are out on the campaign trail, which ever party they are from. For a few seconds they have no idea what has been thrown at them, it could be a harmful substance. If I was a politician campaigning in the streets I’d be very nervous.
  4. Yes I agree with you on that one.
  5. Thank heavens a magician or comedian didn’t win Britain’s got talent this year, I’m pleased Sydnie Christmas, or what ever her name is, won the competition, she has a lovely voice.
  6. I didn’t know who Rob Burrows was until he was on the news being presented with an award off Prince William. I felt sorry for him when they said he had MND, an awful disease. Let us hope the scientists find a cure for it in the future. RIP
  7. I agree with you about everyone should visit Omaha Beach. Also Bayeux War Cemetery, it’s so moving reading the grave stones and how old the soldiers were when they died. It’s immaculate how it is kept, you can’t help being moved. Schools should do trips there.
  8. I agree with you Echo we must never forget the sacrifice made and the thousands of soldiers lives lost during the First and Second World War. I always try my best to go to the Remembrance Day Service either In Newcastle or Sheffield. Thank you to all the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
  9. I haven't watched all of the acts so can't say who is going to win. I did like the juggling brothers who took their clothes off while juggling away. Shame they didn't make it to the finals.
  10. A few of my friends in Newcastle who have been on holiday in the Peak District and spent a day in Sheffield were pleasantly surprised when they visited the city centre. I’m looking forward to visiting the Cambridge Street Collective when next in Sheffield. Bit off topic, If anyone is going to go on about the city centre being full of beggars, which I didn’t see, just the odd few when in Sheffield a few week ago, come and visit Newcastle they are all over the place as they are all towns and cities.
  11. I have often got on the bus when secondary comprehensive school pupils or going home in different parts of the North East. Depending on the area there is a significant difference how these pupils behave. When they get on the bus near Morpeth in Northumberland, a nice area, they are noisy but very rarely do you hear then using bad language or misbehaving on the bus. They appear to be grown up how they talk and full of ambition for there future. They are simply better behaved than pupils who go to a compromise school at Heworth in Gateshead a deprived area. There language is atrocious they appear to have no ambition, they are more intent on who can be the most disruptive on public transport, I wonder if these pupils are being let down by the education system, peer pressure or their parents.
  12. A number of years ago I went to my aunts for tea and it was tripe and onions in a while sauce, gave up trying to eat it half way through, I thought it was awful. It must be one of those things you either hate it or love it.
  13. Think I have got that wrong.
  14. Can’t say I’ve watched all of the acts, but I thought Sydnie Christmas is a nice singer. Is that her real name or just a stage name?
  15. Sorry I can’t help you with your Dad, but if you go onto Google Maps, Street View you should be able to see what the area looks like now.
  16. On a few occasions when in Ikea restaurant at Gateshead I’ve seen obese adults with obese children under the age of 12 and I do mean obese, the adults struggle to walk because they are grossly overweight. Is it neglect allowing the children to be overweight the same as the parents? I agree with Al, I also like unhealthy fast food and chocolate but don’t eat it every day because it’s harmful to your health.
  17. Sorry I should have said I think the days of the UK sending soldiers to invade a Middle East country as we did in Iraq will not happen again. I can’t see China and Russia sitting back and allowing it to happen. But I could be wrong.
  18. I agree we need to be more self sufficient. The days of invading other countries I feel are over.
  19. The last time national service was made compulsory after the Second World War it was for young men only. Will it include women this time, that's if Rishi wins the next election.
  20. I’ve just watched this when the MP Craig Mackinlay who had his hands and feet amputated last year because of sepsis receive a standing ovation from all parties when he entered the House of Commons for the first time since his operation. For a few minutes the general election was forgotten and all parties appeared to come together praising him. What a brave man and enjoyed his speech.
  21. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes It’s a follow up to the Caesar trilogy. I enjoyed it, there’s some beautiful scenery in the film. 7/10
  22. There’s a lot of Tories standing down, is it because they’ve conceded that they are not going to win the next general election? The majority of people I know who voted for the Tories at the last general election say they won’t be voting for them this time round and a few are also saying they will not be voting for Labour. Has Rishi Sunak called a general election to avoid a leadership challenge? I thought he would have waited until interest rates started to come down.
  23. All the very best Thug Life and as already said keep posting and let us know how you get on. St Luke’s is one of the charities I support.
  24. The Tattooist of Auschwitz Based on a true story. I couldn’t watch some of the six episodes all the way through, not because of poor acting, which was very good, I found it to harrowing to watch in parts. You can feel the helplessness and despair of the prisoners in Auschwitz. It’s a reminder of how many people passed through the gates and never came out again.
  25. I’ve had corned beef for my tea, no problems opening the tin. However I think if Padders tried to open the tin he would probably break the key half way round the tin and end up sawing through the tin with a knife.
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