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PRESLEY last won the day on May 6

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  1. The copper simply dealt his own form of punishment out. Like you previosly said, how much does this go on unseen.
  2. The video showed by his position on the floor that he had been dealt with by positioning him in the prone position with his hands restricted, what you saw was a frrelance attack seperate to the first incident. So a shop lifter runs out of shop and knocks a copper to the floor during his escape then around the corner some more police apprehend him, cuff him then kick f--- out him, is that OK too.
  3. It still doesn't warrant what the video shows, the copper took the law into his own hands or to be precise, feet.
  4. There is no excuse what so ever for the action of the copper, the bloke was laid on his front and arms behind his back before the out of control copper thought he was taking a penalty kick on a football pitch, suspension what a joke, he needs locking up for ABH, the video shows the crime committed plainly. Barbaric.
  5. I could not do without Hackey and Padders on the Forum.
  6. Thats what I thought but then again, its called a cook book!
  7. I reckon the majority of the Country will vote for her because they don't want that untrustworthy looney back in office again.
  8. Some airfryers comes with a book cooking suggestions if not buy a book full suggestions and timings ect. Example a full cooked chicken takes 45 mins in airfryer, what a time and energy saver.
  9. Kamala Harris an experienced prosecutor an expert at dealing with felons like Trump.
  10. I havn't internet dated but I'm sure it has certain advantages ie, without actually meeting you can both speak freely and find common ground by talking about your likes and dislikes, hobbies, places you both like go or would go and even habbits good or bad which can satisfy both before commitment, its just another way to connect to someone, its the old Marmite situation. It suits some but not others.
  11. OK! With what? Wing Commander being bias as per usual ie, defending thieves and liars because of their status. I'm not OK with that and sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, are you OK with that.
  12. Judy is drunk all the time because of being supplied with FREE Booze all time by her tieving husband. Glad Wing Commander AKA West77 AKA Axe is not a Judge because if you were to go in front of him it would go like this! Defendant are you a Tory or had a go at a Labour MP if so case DISMISSED.
  13. Fight fight fight! And Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off, cheese cheese cheese!
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