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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. That was so funny it made me laugh.
  2. Thank you Yorkie, I didn’t know that and I do go to Morrisons and Asda at South Shields when in the area. I was convinced it wasn’t available to buy in supermarkets up here, don’t know why I thought that tho, could be because in the past I asked a relative if they buy Henderson’s relish and they didn’t know what it was. Out of curiosity next time I’m in South Shields I’ll look on the shelves at Morrisons for the relish just for a bit of Sheffield nostalgia.
  3. I remember the first time I tried Henderson’s relish on meat and potato pie, it ruined the taste of the pie for me. I wanted to taste the pie and the lovely crust not a vinegar, spicy acetic tasting sauce. I definitely don’t like it. I don’t think you can buy it here Newcastle, although I haven’t looked on the supermarket shelves for it.
  4. The thought of going into a care home and losing my independence terrifies me. If we had euthanasia clinics in the UK I think I would much prefer to end my life than having to have help with personal hygiene, we might not need as many care homes if we were given the choice.
  5. Is Rosie Duffield the first MP to leave the Labour Party? She has accused Starmer of hypocrisy accepting gifts worth tens of thousands of pounds while scrapping the winter fuel payment and keeping the two child cap. I have to agree with her calling Starmer a hypocrite. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3vkdy997rko
  6. Kier Starmer has met Donald Trump in New York. Is this because he thinks there is a good chance he could win the presidential election.
  7. She was very good as The Dowager Countess in Downton Abbey. RIP
  8. Sage and onion Yorkshire puddings. I’m not sure if they are a Sheffield native food, but here in Newcastle/Gateshead no one has heard of them, it’s just plain Yorkshire Puddings up here in Newcastle.
  9. Enjoyed reading that, nearly as good as Padder’s stories. I just hope Padders didn’t put a Fray Bentos steak tin Pie in his suitcase.
  10. I do think animals should be stunned before having their throats cut, hopefully if done correctly it causes the animal to lose consciousness, I’d like to think it then can’t feel pain. There was some talk a number of years ago by government that all slaughterhouses will have to have a vet in them or CCTV, not sure if this legislation became law.
  11. It has to be the Sheffield fish cake for me. I didn’t eat them very often when I lived in Sheffield and they don’t make them in the fish shops where I live in Newcastle, most people up here have no idea what they are. I do get the odd cravings for them but I’ll just have to wait until I visit Sheffield. It’s stottie cakes and pease pudding up here, it’s a traditional Newcastle specialty.
  12. Emmerdale I’m enjoying watching it at the moment, lots of different interesting story lines with some of the characters in the show. We have a story of someone who is having epileptic fits who needs an operation to remove a brain tumour but is frightened to have the operation, a woman who has managed to breakaway from her abusive controlling husband and there’s infidelity and deception with other characters in the show. I don’t think I would recommend Emmerdale if you are looking for somewhere to stay in a quiet little Yorkshire village for a few days. Take no notice of the lovely shots of the Dale’s at the beginning of the programme which ends with an aerial view of Emmerdale, it definitely isn’t a sleepy little village, it’s more like Sodom and Gomorrah.
  13. If you are fairly fit and a lot of 85 year olds are, and you’ve still got all of your marbles, or just the odd one are two missing, why not.
  14. Daddy if someone said to me 10 years ago the UK would eventually become an Islamic State and the legal system would be ruled by sharia law, I wouldn’t have believed it. Now I’m not so sure. Some Islamic countries chop off hands as a form of punishment so you never know we might see in the future a new generation of people walking around with a hand missing.
  15. I do agree with what you are saying, particularly about politicians telling lies, but would things have been different if there hadn’t been a covid lockdown and Ukraine war which was a shock to the economy and out of the hands of politicians.
  16. What a morbid thread this is. Don’t think I want to know how many years I’ve got left to live. There’s a calculator here for those who want an idea of life expectancy. https://www.blueprintincome.com/tools/life-expectancy-calculator-how-long-will-i-live/
  17. It’s a good job Biden is stepping down, he was talking about the attempted assassination on Trump. Biden said, ‘thank god the President is okay’, just wondering if Biden has a crystal ball. Hope someone tells Biden he is still the President.
  18. More migrants crossing the channel, I haven’t heard Starmer say what he is going to do about the small boats. If Trump is elected I think he might stop funding the Ukraine war, not sure what Harris will do.
  19. I've recorded Last Night of the Proms to watch later on. Something my mum use to say, how times have changed, and that was a few years ago, goodness knows what she would say now.
  20. IF Trump wins the election it will be interesting to see how Starmer gets on with him, will it be a political nightmare. As for Lammy after what he called Trump in the past will he butter up to Trump or just avoid him? Trump threatened to pull out of NATO because some countries didn't cough up and pay there fair share, Germany and France being the worst offenders. Hope they are contributing there fair share now, can't see Trump putting up with it. It will also be interesting to see if Trump continues to send weapons to Ukraine or simply wash his hands and stop funding Ukraine. On the other hand it might be Harris who is the next President.
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