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About iansheff

  • Birthday April 2

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  1. Yes I thought it was but the version I had on Youtube the other day was just the tobacco. Maybe there is another part because I know there is a part 2 to the driving instructor one.
  2. The Walter Raleigh tobacco call is really funny, I seem to remember one about the potato as well but can't find it.
  3. Well the article had only been uploaded a few hours before I read it this morning.
  4. Just seeing on the news that Ray Reardon has passed away aged 91, I remember seeing him beat Perrie Mans in the final at the Crucible in 1978, one of snookers greatest players.
  5. According to Football Insider, the Owls have offered a contract to Rangers winger Scott Wright.
  6. It is pathetic because no club in the world can stop a spontaneous reaction by a fan, if they believe that clubs can then the people in charge are deluded.
  7. An asylum seeker comes here doesn't speak the language assaults a police officer and gets a conditional discharge and has to pay £26 victim surcharge at £2 pm. His lawyer says there could be an issue with H & S rules doing community service and he would need a translator at the side of him. I am sure they could have found some unpaid work for him where there was not the worry about H & S, what is wrong with using Google to translate. Refugee who attacked officer ‘should not do community service as he can’t speak English’ (msn.com)
  8. You used to see people half parked on the road and half parked on the grass verge now it is full on the grass verge and halfway across the pavement.
  9. Well here is Jonathan Pie's take on the election result, not too much colourful language in this one.
  10. There is an app called clear waste where you can take a picture of any fly tipping, the app detects your location and is then reported to the local council or registered landowner. You can post anonymously as well if you wish.
  11. Just reading that Swansea wanted him but were priced out of getting him. Swansea City Priced Out Of Signing Attacker Who Is Joining Championship Rivals (msn.com)
  12. We think we have problems with our two leaders. No way should Biden be standing for re-election he is looking increasingly frail and struggling to put a coherent sentence together, Trump just comes out with the same old same comment saying I am going to make America great again.
  13. According to MSN Sheffield Wednesday will likely confirm the arrival of midfielder Svante Inglesson on Friday, with the player having now signed a contract with the Owls.
  14. Just reading that Donald Sutherland has died aged 88, a great actor in many films but I think my favourite role was as Oddball in Kelly Heroes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9rrvdq3g9zo
  15. Well it is the third day of the tournament and I honestly don't know how some of these players will survive another game with the serious injuries they keep getting. A prime example being the Danish player rolling about in agony and worthy of an Oscar for his acting, still it got the desired result a booking for the opponent, yes it was a foul but didn't deserve a booking.
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