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El Cid

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  1. I would consider having sex with a 12 year old quite serious, but he served his time, which was not a short sentence, and he should now be allowed a life.
  2. Fifty years ago girls would have dressed modestly, as Muslims do, but these days anything goes.
  3. https://www.sheffield.veolia.co.uk/service-alerts Makes a change from local authority workers going on strike. Bins are not treated as a high enough priority, but when they don't get emptied it is a problem.
  4. And they all want more tax revenue for the NHS, so long as they don't pay it.
  5. That great Lady, Margeret Thatcher sold off the water and energy companies and then gave people tax cuts. Some people still think Thatcher was great! Some organisations are ok making a profit, if they have competition, but no competition in the water sector.
  6. The record for the world's hottest day has tumbled twice in one week, according to the European climate change service. On Monday the global average surface air temperature reached 17.15C, breaking the record of 17.09C set on Sunday. It beats the record set in July 2023, and it could break again this week.
  7. Scientists have discovered “dark oxygen” being produced in the deep ocean, apparently by lumps of metal on the seafloor. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c728ven2v9eo I very much believe in climate change, because that is what the experts believe. But the above does show that they don't know everything, so there is uncertainty.
  8. We need fewer people stuck in traffic queues and fewer people waiting for hospital treatment, better public transport so that people can get to work, fewer people going to jail, to be released and then go back to jail - that would be a start.
  9. When the Tories brought in austerity, they were blamed for the resulting deaths. But now the country is in even more debt, so even more austerity will be needed. Who should we blame? I was listening to radio four, they were saying that the benefit cap can cost the claimant £3,000 per year. On top of other benefits, that is a lot of money. Friends were saying that the public supports the benefit cap? But does the public know anything about it, I am certainly shocked that its £3,000 per year.
  10. They could have abstained, instead they voted for the amendment knowing the consequences. It's just politics, if they are not going to support the Government that got elected on promises not to raise certain taxes and to keep the benefit cap, they may benefit from a spell of being independent.
  11. If he is going to be locked up, why don't we brainwash him to believe in peace and goodwill for all men?
  12. The reason the Tories won in 2015 was because the Tories overplayed how bad things were when they took over. But of course this time it really is bad.
  13. I just had a quick look, I couldn't see anything about the killers motives? High profile, you would think this type of information would be worth a lot of money to news outlets. A poster on Faceboook mentions Incell, that doesn't sound right. These days there is social media or at the very least text messages.
  14. With such a diverse population in America, you would think it a non issue. Being a young woman is more important when standing against an 80+ year old Trump.
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