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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. It’s sad that all that America can offer for President is two old men, Biden and Trump. As for them not working together Kier says he vows to make it work if the Americans pick Trump as there President.
  2. When Trump was President he accused NATO members of not paying there fair share towards it. When it showed you how much NATO allies contributed towards it Germany and France were the worst offenders they paid no were near what the UK was paying, it was disgusting, Trump praised UK for paying there fair share to NATO. I’d like to think that since then all NATO countries are contributing more towards it, if not and Trump is the next President I think he will threaten to pull out of NATO.
  3. Some say Trump will create WIII with Russia if elected. I don’t think he will, I certainly can’t see him saying to Putin our bombs are bigger than yours as he said to Kim Jong Un. I’m sure the USA and Russia both have the balance of power when it comes to nuclear weapons. Although Trump has seen the poor performance of the Russian Army in Ukraine. The same as China they have now become a super power. The only way I can see wars with these countries is sanctions and cyber attacks.
  4. Nice story echo enjoyed reading it. My husband use to drink Guinness and Cider mixed, think that is a Black Velvet or a version of it.
  5. Have to agree with you francy, it was after reading your post on another thread about how good they are I decided to buy one. It’s definitely one of best kitchen appliances I have bought along with the microwave oven, they are to very different things tho.
  6. That was very considerate of you hackey cutting your neighbour’s grass. Pity there wasn’t more neighbours like you. You even thought about men not getting there Sunday lunch on time to.
  7. Peaks and Valleys I enjoyed this survival film in the Alaskan wilderness about a man and woman who are brought together by fate. Although a bit predictable there was a twist at the end of the film. 8/10
  8. Blair and Bush junior should never have invaded Iraq. As for Afghanistan that was NATO and other allies who sent the military there with the intention of training the Afghanistan army, they didn’t make a very good job of it tho. The Taliban soon took over the country after America withdrew, I don’t think Biden anticipated that to happen so quickly. Could Biden have handled Americas withdrawal from Afghanistan better? It seemed very messy at the time. Putting pressure on Biden to stand down was the sensible thing to do. He’s well past his sell by date who should never have been the president of the USA..
  9. Yes I was feeling glum today, it’s been a funny day. Late getting in and just didn’t want to cook the dinner, must be suffering with cooking anxiety. It’s been raining since late afternoon, can’t understand why the North East seems to be missing out on global warming, we have had two washout summers. Making my way home walking past the River Tyne hadn’t worked it’s magic which normally cheers me up. Then just read Daddy’s, Padders and hackeys post on this thread and I thought they were funny so feeling a bit better. Better keep off the politics thread as I’ll probably go and throw myself in the Tyne.
  10. Yes I agree. I can remember my grandma saying you could leave your back door open and no one would pinch anything, probably because there was nothing to pinch, but folk would help each other. Times have changed but there is still good people, not everything in the UK is bad.
  11. I have never been but know a few who have, admittedly on holiday and they loved it,
  12. Enjoyed reading this. You sound contented where you are living and that’s the main thing.
  13. I would go back to America again. In a few years time the American tourists might say exactly the same, Avoid the UK if we don't stop the small boats crossing the Channel.
  14. I'm sorry for the person who died, and the injured hope they make a recovery. You could see the defiance in Trunp as he was taken to his car, waving his arm in the air, and I think shouting I'm OK. Did the murderer think he was going to stop democracy.
  15. The Unions still seem to have a lot of power. There was a six week bus strike in the north-east just before Christmas, it was like the lockdown all over again. We have also seen the disruption that unions have caused with train strikes and also the doctors strike. I was beginning to think that the unions were running the country and not the government. I think it’s a waste of money holding an inquest, is it going to open old wounds?
  16. Yes I agree, I wanted her to be the Prime Minister instead of Liz Truss. God knows how this lot of conservative MP’s are going to sort themselves out.
  17. Good idea but I don’t think that’s going to work now, he’s still living at Downing Street and he’s purring up to Sir Kier.
  18. Padder’s for Prime Minister. He would keep the backbenchers in there places.
  19. I agree with you Anna. Then on 2nd of January Easter eggs suddenly appear on the shelves. However I can cope better with seeing the Easter eggs than the Christmas stock on shelves in August.
  20. Last year Tesco and Asda started to fill their shelves with Christmas foods in August. Not long to go now. Supermarket across the UK have shocked shoppers by filling shelves with Christmasfoods and drinks, with weeks of the school summer holidays still to go. Both Tesco and Asda are selling Christmas related goodies, with shoppers snapping photos of chocolate, mulled wine and festive sweets already on sale. While the weather certainly feels autumnal, many shoppers have been left confused by the goods, saying that it's not even Halloween yet.
  21. I did most of my banking there when I lived in Sheffield. End of another era for me.
  22. Liam Neeson was very good in Schindler's List. I always thought he did win an Oscar for the film, he definitely should have. I remember seeing bits of the film before it was released and I wasn’t impressed when I knew it was going to be made in black and white, apart from the young girl dressed in red, but it did work, the holocaust was life without colour. I don’t think it would have had the same emotional impact if made in colour.
  23. Tommy a tall bronze statue at Seaham, that represents the Armistice that went into effect at 11 am on November 11, 1918.
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