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  1. For nuance I suggest that you see how Germany tackles the issue. Rightly or wrongly. Also the difference between rape and statutory rape around the world.
  2. I am not “OK” with it as you put it. It’s a far more complex business than that with different shades of culpability. You are a great defender of a guy who openly encourages the abuse of women so no moral judgement from you thank you.
  3. Perhaps you did,but many didn’t and still don’t. Hormones and opportunity kick in for different people at different times. A relationship between a couple of kids of similar age is far different from the sexual assault by a supposed adult on a child. Like it or not there are degrees of criminality.
  4. No it’s not. I suggest that you read up on the sexual activity of teenagers and others above and below the age of consent. Perhaps you could hark back to your own youth. Plenty of 15 year old girls with 16/17 year old boy friends within schools and youth clubs.
  5. Good grief! How can you fail to acknowledge who brought mud slinging in American politics to a whole new level,whether it be the opposition,former Republican allies,the Press corp,. I see you have espoused the views of Trump on someone laughing as being significant. How about his comments on the way that she talks? Whilst totally ignoring Trumps ‘own disjointed ramblings and butchering of the English(American) language. Trump is the epitome of narcissism and is at least the equal of Putin in dishing out shameless lies.
  6. Appealing to people’s pockets is usually a winner. Where it went wrong was the failure to re invest money that was freed into maintenance and replacement of the houses that went into private ownership. A similar story to the privatisation of essential services.
  7. “Steal another election” They won under the same electoral system that got Trump into power ,and it’s his lust for power that drives him on. Plus of course the ability to sweep various charges and convictions under the carpet. A plague on him and his supporters.
  8. Are we talking Reagan,Schwarzenegger,Clint Eastwood,or even TV Celebrity Trump here?
  9. I think society has a problem if some want supposed justice to be dispensed by other prisoners . I know there is a supposed pecking order within the prison community but for heavens sake.
  10. The Clooney who was flat broke and got lucky. He then gifted usd 1 million to each of 14 friends who helped him out. Seems like a decent bloke to me.
  11. It’s all down to opportunism . Vance spun on a dime from Trump detractor to Trump supporter Politics is a totally cynical world around the word including the UK and certainly in the States.
  12. Unfortunately most parks attract some antisocial people and activities to some extent. None more so than Middlewood where the feral youths have succeeded in driving away the local bowling team as from next season. However there are pockets of peace and quiet in most parks if you pick the time and place plus of course the numerous idyllic spots that surround a very green city.
  13. Not mandatory which makes it a very strange choice.😀
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