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  1. Yeah, very odd. Musaba's just pulled one back, good footwork to create the opening, 2-1 with about 7mins left.
  2. This was happening quite regularly in the 80's with the advent of VHS rentals etc, I'm not seeing that as an excuse at all.
  3. Plenty to look forward to, hopefully all our clubs can have a better season than the last.
  4. On first veiwing of the footage I thought it was totally uncalled for but I don't like to judge out of context, the police statement and some eye witness accounts seem to add a few extra layers and if true he wasn't kicked hard enough.
  5. Blus musician John Mayall has passed away aged 90, with his band the Bluesbreakers (featuring non other than Eric Clapton) he was at the forefront of the British Blues Explosion of the 60's, a very talented and influential musician.
  6. Dembele, he does look good. Poveda wanted a 4yr contract and Sunderland offered more money apparently, dissapointing but not a disaster if we could get Dembele over the line.
  7. US disco artist Evelyn Thomas has passed away aged 70, many will remeber her 1984 hit High Energy.
  8. This is exactly the reason, importing people who have been brought up to treat women worse than animals was never going to end well, you only need to look at the stats in other high immigration countries, it will continue to get worse and more women will suffer as people make excuses for it and the authorities cover it up with misleading "statistics".
  9. Policing at matches has been vastly reduced as the expense to the clubs was too much, most clubs rely more on stewards from private comapnies for security in and just adjacent to grounds, so wrong again. The incident in Harehills started around 5pm and went on well into the night, plenty of time to mobilise a force to deal with it had they had the bottle to do so, cowards.
  10. I don't think sudden outbreaks of violence between rival supporters that can happen at the ground or anywhere else are that well planned, always seem to be cops on hand though, not really sure why your defending their pitiful response to this.
  11. There's some hypocrisy on this thread, some saying most people present at this incident were "just standing around" and no one was injured, now the line is the police scarpered because they feared being murdered, it can't be both.
  12. Its been a much more positive close season than recent years, that doesn't guarantee anything once the real stuff starts but I'd agree, I'm also looking forward to it.
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