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Hotmale 1954

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    Sinking Tory Britain
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  1. I've thought long and hard about this (around 30 seconds) and I don't want to hang anyone without a trial, but Valery and Lowe look liabilities. I'm saying that. I assume they played full backs in the last quarter?
  2. Strange game. Is it four periods of 30 minutes?
  3. Can't see him going to a Premier club. Forest, Everton or West Ham. So that leaves us really...... or Portsmouth. πŸ˜”
  4. From what I saw, us, Portsmouth and Derby are in for Dembele?https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/sport/football/blackpool-fc/new-twist-in-karamoko-dembele-transfer-battle-as-sheffield-wednesday-portsmouth-and-derby-make-offers-for-former-blackpool-loanee-4705224
  5. From what I saw, us, Portsmouth and Derby are in for Dembele?
  6. That geezer who's playing (or was playing) abroad, that did so well at Blackpool, looks the better option for me. Can't recall his name and can't be rzed to look it up. Great prospect though. πŸ‘
  7. I hope that if we have signed him, Kobacki doesn't turn out to be another Stevie May. I'm getting the same vibe. Hopefully the 2nd tier in Poland is better quality than St Johnstone were.
  8. Ahem! DC? With cash? 🀣 It appears that his family have recovered their football interest.
  9. https://www.pinkun.com/sport/norwich-city/24420652.reported-city-target-olaf-kobacki-sheff-wednesday-bound/ Could, and I say 'could', be a great signing at 22 years old. Just to be clear, it's pronounced Ko batch shhki. Hope this signing is true.
  10. So Chansiri (and his dad) seem to have not learned a lot if they're throwing money at the players? I hope someone's there to put the brakes on. We're a relatively poor Championship club, not Man City. I can't see Wednesday searching out free agents and players with lower League experience, to then pay them in Diamonds. Just can't see it, not even with an incompetent at the helm. Not this time.
  11. Don't be ridiculous! Nobody would buy a wig as bad as that?!?!?!? It's deffo not a syrup, but he needs a damn haircut with a more modern style (πŸ™‚). That said, he could be ginger with a Bobby Charlton comb over for me (πŸ˜†) as long as his good results continue.
  12. Some owners get quite close to this scenario. Chansiri is a million miles away, and will probably drift further away, not closer. He's probably skint and is now doing what daddy tells him. I can't see it any other way.
  13. I don't think anyone hates Chansiri. Hate's a very strong word. I don't think anyone's spitting venom at him, but the vast majority are happy he's kept his gob shut these last few months. We haven't any leadership from the top. We've no money. I'm not sure Chansiri has either. He's valued our ground as much as Wembley (πŸ™‚) and his selling price for the whole shaboodle would buy the majority of Dubai (πŸ™‚). Only an extremely wealthy person (we're talking multi billions here) or an extremely stupid misguided 'rich man' would give Chansiri what he wants. That's not going to happen. A Consortium could come forward I suppose, but I don't see a queue. So we have him 'til I die, I suppose. As long as he keeps out of it and lets football and financially astute people handle the day to day running, I'm ok with that. Just remember ...... the more he spends, the more he'll want back should he try to sell, With his 'business acumen' that figure could soon get close to Β£150m. Dream on.
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