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Everything posted by crazybaby

  1. I hope they get to the root of this stinking, festering mess and prosecutions follow: https://rotherhampolitics.wordpress.com/2014/08/28/time-to-prove-saj-wrong/ "A firm message needs to be sent out, to those whose role should be protecting vulnerable children, that child safety is more important than political correctness. Furthermore, 4 years worth of council records seem to have gone ‘missing’, this should be investigated without delay. Those records relate to victims and alleged offenders." https://rotherhampolitics.wordpress.com/2015/02/07/hold-them-to-account-news-of-a-petition/
  2. Sarah Champion also stated that the victims run into thousands, I suspect this runs a lot deeper than just Rotherham
  3. Nigel Farage was on LBC today stating that the Police told him not to go out, they couldn't guarantee his safety. It's a pity the protesters outside couldn't see it in their hearts to protest when news broke about the thousands of young girls that had been abused.
  4. You'll be lucky to get one, one just sold on ebay for £95,500 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Charlie-Hebdo-Magazine-Special-Edition-January-14-2015-UK-Version-/301486495168 or you might just catch this one at 81 grand http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Charlie-Hebdo-Magazine-Special-Edition-January-14-2015-UK-Version-/301486545843?pt=UK_Books_Comics_Magazines_European_Comics_ET&hash=item4631ff9bb3
  5. This doesn't affect politicians they don't live next door to or suffer from the effects of negative immigration,they simply stick their fingers in their ears and press the mute button, and if it did they would simply up sticks and move, they have the money & means , I really feel for you, they don't know how it affects peoples lives, they prefer to concentrate on the positive side of immigration and ignore anything that might cause a problem. The only way to combat this is to keep it in the public eye in the hope that the council or police may do something about it, but again it's not happening to them either , I'm afraid you'll have a fight on your hands .
  6. RIP Joe, you had soul, so many good songs, Unchain My Heart x
  7. No that was Bunny la roche well known socialist worker and UAF activist
  8. Maybe this is the reason, http://frontlinefirst.rcn.org.uk/blog/entry/government-must-act-on-health-service-warning-signs/ " Between 2010-11 and 2012-13 there has been a drop of 13.55 per cent in nursing training places across the UK, from 24,904 to 21,529. These cuts mean the workforce will continue to shrink as nurses who are retiring are not replaced." or this from 2007 http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2007/04/17/thousands-of-nhs-jobs-axed/ Thousands of NHS jobs axed "More than 3,000 NHS jobs have been axed in the West Midlands, shock figures today reveal. The mass cull is part of 22,300 posts that have disappeared across the country, according to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN)." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/nhs/10828893/Number-of-foreign-nurses-up-50pc-in-a-year.html The surge follows cuts to NHS programmes to train nurses in this country, with 10,000 training places cut since 2010. Over the past year, increasing numbers of hospitals have embarked on recruitment trawls abroad, in trips which have cost up to £10,000 at a time.
  9. I don't have a problem with it at all, if you listen to the whole conversation on LBC you will hear that Farage didn't have a problem with it either, it's a non starter.
  10. Absolutely, I totally agree, I did the same thing it's easy to be discreet and keeps baby happy.
  11. FYI,here's what was really said, I listened to Farage on LBC as per usual things have been taken out of context, Farage said he personally had no problem with mothers breastfeeding wherever they want, he then went on to say when questioned by Nick Ferrari about Claridgesperhaps they might ask women to sit in a corner. Maybe he should start waffling evading the question and spout out rehearsed parrot style rhetoric like the other parties do.
  12. I could be wrong but I think Farage was a commodities trader in tin and cocoa, he wasn't a banker, I think his father was a heavy drinker who left the home when Farage was 5, I don't think he went to Uni
  13. I listened to Farage on Friday on LBC radios Nick Ferrari show. If anything he doesn't shirk any questions, and doesn't trot out parrot style rhetoric that means nothing. He was asked about the manifesto and said that ideas were often stolen by other parties, i.e. the 'Sovereign Wealth Fund' announced by Ed Davey this weekend was their policy which the government 'nicked'.
  14. I agree, it's even more unbelievable when you hear that according to the guardian 80% of the vote was a postal vote.
  15. I agree with this , I watched an interview Medi Hassan did with Russell Brand, it was a bit of an eye opener, I have to say I really like the guy, he seems genuine and openly admits that he's no politician and just wants a fairer society.
  16. Sad news, Jack Bruce was one of my all time favourite bass players. I remember watching cream live when I was in my early teens, I loved the riff to sunshine of your love had all their albums, which my mother duly gave away along with my Hendrix, Pink Floyd & Zeppelin albums when I left home. Happy Days.
  17. We're talking about fear and intimidation here a lot of these children were threatend and intimidated, all sorts of tactics were used, they were just children, in a lot of cases the threat of harm was used against their parents/siblings, the parents in most cases were powerless to stop this. Parents will be blaming themselves for what happened to their children, but lets not forget who the real culprits are.
  18. As above............. people get scared, I was listening to LBC radio yesterday morning and one guy rang in to say his daughter at uni was asking for a white driver, also on the same programme was an Asian woman who said that she always asked for an Asian driver, it's on listen back if people want to check it out . It looks like it's working both ways. Personally I don't care who it is as long as they are polite and get me from A to B safely.
  19. Metallica & San Francisco Symphony Orchestra - Nothing Else Matters or if I want to relax and enjoy Testaments - Return to Serenity edit: Apocalypticas version of Nothing Else Matters on the Cellos is pretty awsome too
  20. According to one expert she may not have been a troll at all. "Dr Claire Hardaker, a lecturer at Lancaster University and an expert in internet abuse, said that from the tweets she downloaded from Leyland's 'sweepyface' Twitter account, she would not have classified her as a "troll". "I don't think she was a troll, she had very unpopular opinions, she was convinced that there had been a cover-up and that the British press and police were complicit. She called the McCann's fools, she called someone that she didn't agree with a 'f**ktard,' but that's about as bad as it got. "She had entirely bought into the conspiracy theory, and she was a campaigner. She was tweeting the Daily Mail, Sky News, the Met Police, everyone to try to get them to investigate. She might have been misguided, but her intentions were to act in the little girl's best interests, and she was obsessive." One of the most poignant tweets that Leyland sent, Hardaker said, was when she realised Martin Brunt was following her on Twitter. "She actually tweeted him asking him to investigate the theories she was passionate about."
  21. Woman arrested on Saturday after confronting a man she accused of "grooming, beating and pimping her, when she was a child" "Police arrest child-sex victim for yelling at alleged abuser" When will they get it right? http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/crime/article4206334.ece?CMP=SOC-Twitter-thetimes-28_07_2014-468-0-0-0
  22. You've got to laugh at them, didn't Labours Megg Munn employ her husband and sister in law at one time (maybe she still does)
  23. Iv'e just heard that Labour MP John Healey opposed the Rotherham Child sex abuse enquiry, I can only think of what Ann Cryer said when told she was brave by other MPs to bring up the abuse "well, it wouldn't need so much bravery if people like you would support me." http://www.politicshome.com/uk/story/44277/login.html http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/politics/article4204153.ece
  24. Absolutely, well said, where's the like button.....................
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