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Everything posted by crazybaby

  1. Do we really want to be part of a sinking ship, what if we end up bailing out Italy & France, which is a possibility, this from the Guardians Economics Editor: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/20/brexit-best-answer-to-dying-eurozone-eu-undemocratic-elite http://investmentwatchblog.com/the-collapse-of-italys-banks-threatens-to-plunge-the-european-financial-system-into-chaos/ http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/france-and-italy-next-economic-crash-europe-a7054801.html
  2. The telegraph,mail and mirror are all reporting on their sites this morning that he asked for help the night before but was asked to come back, sorry can't post link, on mobile
  3. Well said, I agree with all of this but could never have put it across so well.
  4. Well said, and what makes it worse is that some of the professional bodies the In Campaign are quoting should declare an interest, the CBI receives EU funding, this was quoted by Jacob Rees Mogg on James Obrians show this week. He also said that one of the conditions of receiving the money was that they didn't say anything that would go against the EU project.
  5. I was listening to LBC radio yesterday, Shelagh Fogarty had a young student on the programme who was on Geldofs boat, I got the impression that Fogherty was expecting her to lay into Farage with a first hand account of what happened. That’s not what she got, she cut short the conversation when she found out that the student was incensed at the uncaring pompous & arrogant attitude of the In Campaign and the way Geldof & the rest of the Tory MPs shouted, sneered & swore at fishermen as they passed and the attitude they had towards the working class fishermen.
  6. This is so sad RIP Jo, apparently the guy had mental health issues http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/jo-cox-dies-first-picture-tommy-mair-suspected-killing-popular-labour-mp-bristall-1565896
  7. John Mann comes out for Brexit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36496203
  8. As I understand it one of the MPs according to an article by Andrew Norfolk, opposed calls for an investigation into the child sex scandal........Why ??
  9. I think it will be hard for Cameron to get EU reform when he couldn't get any rebate on the extra 1.7 billion they demanded because our economy was performing better. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/24/david-cameron-eu-budget-demand-europe http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/09/10/david-cameron-quietly-paid-1-7bn-eu-uk-bill-that-he-promised-to-figh
  10. Hi, if you have fewer than 5 employees you don't need a written health & safety policy. Information here: http://www.hse.gov.uk/toolbox/managing/writing.htm
  11. Another great gone, what sad news, I've watched Motorhead play many times, can still hear Lemmy now with his usual opener "we are Motorhead and we play rock n roll". Would love to have heard all his amazing stories, here are a few from his roadie Steve Luna some from the time Lemmy was himself roadie to Hendrix (wonders if he was roadie when I saw Hendrix play at Sheffield City Hall in the 60s) http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/6828178/motorhead-roadie-steve-luna-lemmy
  12. Your neighbours seem lovely Dave, It's so heartwarming to hear of these good deeds and acts of kindness, here's a lovely story I read today which made me think of this thread. Mum Begins 'Pay It Forward' Campaign After Kind Stranger Who Paid For Her Shopping Dies In Car Accident http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/12/01/mum-letter-stranger-paid-groceries_n_8686268.html?icid=maing-grid7|uk|dl5|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D407212
  13. They attacked our freedoms Listening to music Enjoying a meal & Drink Watching a football match Satire Why? What do they want? How do you change such a warped mind?
  14. Looks like it's not going to go away anytime soon, its here to stay for a long time http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/14/exclusive-as-paris-burned-uk-islamists-told-muslims-to-struggle-for-islamic-state-in-unprecedented-islamic-show-of-force/
  15. Sickening, just sickening, this is horrendous, what kind of twisted minds do this kind of thing, a music venue, football match, restaurant, shopping mall,
  16. 100 hostages taken at a rock/metal venue and reports of about 15 deaths, sky news now reporting at least 60 dead,
  17. Aye, loved it too, he will be sadly missed, http://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2015/nov/12/philthy-animal-taylor-motorhead-the-man-who-invented-thrash
  18. This is sad news, he was a real character, I have watched Motorhead play many times , he once played in a neck brace after fracturing his neck and has played with many injuries one of which resulted in his drumstick being taped to his hand with gaffer tape. "Eat the rich" It's rock n roll baby
  19. This makes sense, when I think back to my bout of shingles after the flu vaccine, I had recently finished a course of steroids, could this have lowered my immunity I wonder? and reactivated the virus.
  20. [quote=Obelix; Shingles is the chickenpox virus not the flu so the two would be unrelated. I've not had shingles yet, although have had chickenpox... touch wood I don't. My grandpa had it and he used to complain a fair bit which for him would have meant it really was annoying him. That's what I thought until I found a whole forum dedicated to the flu vaccine & shingles, my oh kept telling me to stop whinging, so I let it go for days until it became unbearable, the rash was spreading like wildfire, when I got to the docs on the Monday he immediately gave me an anti viral drug, but I think by that time it was too late, it's probably just coincidence, my MIL has the vaccine every year and at 89 has had no adverse effects at all.
  21. I have a weakened immune system (no spleen) it was taken out about 50 years ago after a road accident, I never had antibiotics which I believe all splenectomy patients now have to take. I have had my ups and downs but no major illness, although I have my suspicions that the H1N1 vaccine may have been the cause of my shingles afterwards, I have suffered ever since, I now have a nagging ache in my upper back where the shingles started and a grey area of skin which no gp seems to be able to explain. I know it probably is just coincidence, but every year when I need to go for the jab I'm very wary of having it.
  22. Do they work a full shift or are they just on call? or is it just that he wants the ones that are opting out of doing it to take their turn and maybe work a weekend shift every few weeks
  23. Is he calling for all doctors to work weekends or just to have coverage in hospitals in case of emergency on a rota system or something? Is it just Consultants ?
  24. I'm watching this now, it's pretty grim stuff. The programme talks of a white woman convert named shabina ali who played a part in exploiting the girls some as young as 12, it's pretty horrendous stuff. The police at the time were totally useless and blame was attached to the girls, why has this been allowed to carry on for such a long time? I'm surprised that there hasn't been a public outcry at this what is wrong with people that they don't care, are these young girls lives worth nothing?
  25. I can only come at this from experience after living in Scotland for 20 years from the late 70's (I have two Scottish sons) I knew a few members of the SNP and can say through experience that they were definitely a right wing party. http://labourlist.org/2014/03/a-message-for-ruk-the-snp-is-a-centre-right-party/ My son who lives in Scotland voted SNP to give Labour a bloody nose , does that sound familiar ?
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