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Everything posted by Vrsaljko

  1. I put £25 in coppers into one the other day. As I don't bank with HSBC, I'd rather them take 9.9% than me have to spend ages counting them into money bags to take to the bank!
  2. I only ever walk through this tunnel during the middle of the day, and even then it's dark and horrible. I can't imagine what it's like at night when you have to walk over the river bridge too. It's similar to Frog Walk in a way.
  3. Good luck with that. I worked in there before moving to another government building in town, where my work pass would still get me in Moorfoot, and the woman on security used to challenge me when I walked through as a shortcut!
  4. I actually quite like it, but that's probably because I worked in it for three years. The corridors snake around so much in there that I often used to get lost!
  5. Hardly surprising when the same cretins vote them in time and time again. They know they can essentially do what they want because it won't matter.
  6. You've answered your own question. They charge more because it sounds like the only place to fill up within a reasonable distance. Shops do it all the time. Co-Op have stores in loads of different small towns and charge ridiculous prices because they know people will pay it, rather than have to travel into the city.
  7. Looks like that could be the case! http://www.scoresonthedoors.org.uk/business/shimul--211447.html
  8. You shouldn't open windows to keep it cool inside during a heatwave. You want to keep them closed along with the blinds/curtains.
  9. I guess that could be the case. My ward is Graves Park.
  10. I sealed my postal ballot envelope up an hour or so ago but could have sworn he wasn't on both. Ian Auckland was on the other wasn't he? I usually vote for the Lib Dems in the local elections. They seem to do quite a lot in our area and you don't hear a peep from Labour other than at election time.
  11. I could be wrong, but I'd imagine drug dealers would try to attract less attention to themselves.
  12. Can't see that being possible with how close all of the shops are to the road.
  13. Pigeons and Blackpool. Sound like a good match!
  14. I've often wondered about that man myself. The one with the cap, beard and big duffle bag? Whenever I walk past he seems to be sat just staring into space. I've actually debated giving him some money because he looks so sad, but I don't know if he's a drug addict or not.
  15. It would be nice to have some sort of Oyster type card that you can top up and then scan as you get on and off the bus.
  16. I don't think you'll be struggling with £700 a month for rent to be honest. For the nicest areas you'll want to look to the west and south west of the city.
  17. Moorfoot Tavern (already well known for attracting scum) and The Lord Nelson, just off the top of my head...
  18. I agree with you. The one outside Asda should be the first to go, considering there's one 50 yards away outside the chippy and another outside KFC.
  19. • Fundraisers should not stand within 3 metres of a shop doorway, pedestrian crossing, cashpoint or station entrance (C8; 50 points). The previous version of the rule book only prohibited fundraisers from standing within 3 metres of a cashpoint. Problem solved then. We all walk up Fargate in single file outside the shop doorways.
  20. They should install a big boxing glove on a spring that is attached to the driver's cab. When a woman gets on and inevitably starts rummaging in her purse, it can then forcibly throw her from the bus.
  21. It's a total joke of a newspaper. The sooner it goes out of business the better.
  22. I doubt it. People can't wear stupid hats and pretend to be Irish.
  23. It's an old building behind that and the church just off Nursery Street.
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