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Monk Sacked


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Flabbergasted after what Chansiri has had to say recently. This whole business of hiring and firing is more than ridiculous, in fact it STINKS !

Just where is football going ? SWFC are up the creek without a paddle for a long time if they appoint the wrong man.

Those of you wanting this, well I hope it works out, if it doesn't, then please don't come back on this Forum.  GOODNIGHT !!!!

Edited by Runningman
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Paul Cook or Eddie Howe,or would Nigel Pearson be a candicate,this had to happen with Monk,now will Kieran Westwood be happy and might be back behind goal with The Owls and bring more Confidence in the Defence and other players,will Chansiri also finally bring in a Director of the Club to help the new manager out

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After making a statement a matter of days ago about the manager hes now sacked him,Chansiri is beyond  fathomable.

Monks record has been abysmal,Wednesday have played some dire football,and Monks record reads worse than that of Luhukay which was bad enough.

It would take a magician to get a decent tune out of the squad assembled by Monk,all be it under difficult circumstances,His predecessor,Steve Bruce did some awfull transfer business which hasnt helped the next poor fool to get the Wednesday hotseat its not a job for the feint hearted.

Paul Cook might be worth a shout,id guess it would depend on what HE makes of the squad and how much the chairmans willing to back him.

Anyone whose got a reputation they want to keep,wont touch the job with a bargepole.

Recruitment is a huge problem at SWFC,its been poor for a number of years,the stats based system employed at brentford has worked wonders,where as us recruiting from Paxos pals has sent us into a tailspin and broke the bank and the EFLs patience.If that process changed then maybe monk or the next boss will stand a chance of success!

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well we could go the leeds way,or my prefered idea the wolves way get top players on loan,but only sign them if they get you up,that worked well,kept them up as well then gone from there,the trouble is theres little skill/class in the squad,just work horses mainly.monk was only a journey man,so what now?,get the best manager about ,even if you have to pinch one from somewhere else,if you get a good manager the rest follows,some can take average teams and get them up,but the wolves way for me,like the brentford idea,buy,sell until you can get up,but that takes years,but please spend money and get a good top manager with a track record of promotion from this league,trust he has a replacement in mind though

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