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Everything posted by willman

  1. If you're replying to the M1 scenario - most days its 50 or 60 during rush hours. Hence my comparison with reducing the Parkway,you're just moving the speed issue elsewhere and therefore the environmental problem elsewhere.
  2. They've by default reduced the speeds on the M1 smart motorway section between 31 and 28 - by using cameras and warnings. Not so many people drive at excessive speeds - until they get off on the A38 to Derby and make the time they think they've lost doing 80/90 on a dual darriageway with no cameras. What has actually been achieved aprt from moving the problem 10 miles away.
  3. I think its great that they're making another Bond movie, and another movie with a female heroine like Salt or Hannah or Ultraviolet. So what new directional step is she actually taking?
  4. She isn't playing Bond - she's playing Agent 007, although i'm sure Bond will be in it.
  5. The sister company to my own actually sell printed glass milk bottles, they are gaining popularity at the minute.
  6. It all depends, i read a recent release by the author of the dry in 2 days, the last Reacher in 3 days, but i've just read the latest Connelly and it has been a drag to find the time and nearly 3 weeks to complete it.
  7. Why not do that for all crime ? There are serious offences being ignored and even supported by members of SF everyday.
  8. You could always treat them to a Scary Movie resolution,when she's talking during Shakaspeare In Lurve.
  9. There is no substitute for the feeling of winning or loosing. If children enter the sports arena and it is a fun sports day for instance( i attended one yesterday with no winning/loosing in the events) they all still wanted to be first and be competitive against their peers but no big deal was made of it. But if it is a competitive event and you don't care if you win or lose then stay at home and don't take part is disrespectful to your opponent and team mates or get a note from your mum. I'm competitive, i play my chosen sport to win, if i lose then i make sure that i'm beaten by someone better. Losing isn't the end of world but losing because you aren't competing is a waste of time and energy.
  10. They should be removed from the cinema - the signs are frequent enough before the film starts.
  11. It happens all the time - i remember the protests over the KFC at Rotherham being close to a school - built on the site of a pub and about 400 yards from Maccy D's.
  12. TFH you must be too busy working to miss that news snippet. She lives a couple of doors away from me. Excellent footballer, and she opened the leisure centre addition last year.
  13. Well done that is impressive. Some impressive youngsters out there, the son of a friend of mine has just represented Sheffield in water polo for u16's and my next door neighbour plays number 6 for the Lionesses.
  14. Someone linked me into this information and it seems appropriate for SF members https://www.letsride.co.uk/events/sheffield
  15. Metal are an absolute nightmare to erect - watched a family at the weekend take all day and 3 blokes to put a small shed up. I used these http://www.shedecks.co.uk/index.html last year for a summer house and it was a quality piece of kit.
  16. Some of us were in the mindset of why it happens and it isn't all down to money. I had membership to a small local theatre for an annual subscription, it got me early bird tickets or discounts. But it money into the theatre coffers to put plays. At the time i was unemployed and £16 was a lot of money to me.
  17. Where abouts are you? Firehouse fitness do 2 week freebies Which can include a small group PT (personal training) - small group as in 4 people so not a huge class. 2 weeks will get you moving and motivated and then talk to them about retaining group PT afterwards and classes or do it yourself.
  18. They don't have to be rich just regular/frequent theatre goers who keep the theatres afloat when most people only want headline shows. The " repayment" is priority bookings - no different to season ticket holders elsewhere for instance.
  19. Ideally it would benefit if you had a ground plan of what you want to do. Mine cost similar to Bash St but without the fancy furniture ,mainly due to the gear needed to level it off and i chose granite slabs,fake grass and composite decking. I've personally just done my daughters with sleepers,limestone slabs and fake grass onto a three terrace garden and it came it at about 1200 - 1500(with hire costs) for a 20 metre long garden by 5 metres wide. Landscapers i've used bandy around £35-£50 a square metre. A landscaper wanted £1220 for ONE terrace in fake grass at my daughters with nothing else.
  20. What you've said is that if i mentioned OAP's not getting stuff for free i'd get smacked. Thats being a thug and a bully and downright despicable behaviour which should result in criminal prosecution. You've agreed modern lifestyles provide longevity - so are people happier to have lived longer than there parents ? My dad is certainly happier to have passed the mortality age from when he was a child (45)
  21. And thats something to boast about is it being a thug, and we wonder why people resort to knives to defend themselves. Bully tactics and you should be ashamed of supporting them - wasn't that the whole policy behind the war to defend free speech or doesn't it count when you don't like or opinion. Lets just be clear - i don't think anyone who has the money should get this stuff for free. Age is irrelevant. When i was a child and we had black and white TV the average age for a male was 45 to 50 years of age. Modern lifestyles mean we're living longer many of us will live beyond 80 and our grandkids beyond a 100.
  22. The womens game will continue to be promoted by the BBC at the behest of those enforcing equality - until someone else takes an interest and outbids them. Just like the Champions League and the Nations League in the mens competitions. Not all license payers like football apparently and ITV has a waning interest in football completely.
  23. No one is moaning about OAP's per se - just the pathetic attempt to justify giving wealthy people free stuff just because they've lived a long time. They should be grateful that they've manged to reach 75 and not popped off at 45. My parents are like Tinfoils - comfortable financially, free bus pass(but they buy a new Lexus every three years, free TV (but they pay for subscription services), winter fuel (but they paid cash for a roof full of solar panels). Most of them aren't poor and they don't need the stuff - but they'll gladly take it if offered. Give free licenses to bed ridden and house bound, free bus passes to job seekers or 16-18 year olds
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