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Everything posted by Doom

  1. It's not a judgement call...It is a political issue. The 'System' has quite clearly let down the girls who have been abused. It's Governments and Councils who are responsible for setting the 'System' up and monitoring the 'System'. There has quite clearly been a massive failure in that 'System' across the country. This is a political issue, regardless of what some of the parents of the abused children may suggest. Regards Doom ---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 12:55 ---------- Only someone very naive or lacking in intelligence would have taken Nigel Farage's comments to mean all 29 million would be coming over here....I'm sure you're neither. He quite clearly meant that there were another 29 million people who could freely come over should they so choose and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. Tens of thousands have taken up the option to come here, with all the social benefits they bring with them, as we're seeing in areas like Page Hall and Hexthorpe. Regards Doom
  2. I'm not sure what the definition of a tidal wave is, but clearly there is an issue with the levels of immigration we're currently experiencing. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-immigration-numbers-up-by-68000-in-a-year-despite-david-camerons-pledge-to-cut-migration-levels-by-the-next-general-election-9696156.html Regards Doom
  3. Farage talks about it here in his column: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/weve-got-labour-in-our-sights-and-well-take-the-fight-to-their-northern-heartland-9756395.html I think he's bang on the money: I think he's also quite right to point out: Regards Doom
  4. A bit about it here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-29367777 I caught part of an interview where those in charge in Sheffield stated that they dealt with problems here. Because I didn't hear the whole of the interview, I'm not sure what dealing with it actually entailed. If it means moving the girls away to another city, as one care home worker suggested, I wouldn't call that 'dealing with it.' Dealing with it in my book is: 1. Finding the perpetrators of the actions. 2. Arresting them. 3. Charging them. 4. Convicting them. Regards Doom
  5. I will consider myself closer to Europe than the USA and find myself cheering on Swedes, French etc. against those nasty Yanks. It's weird really, because I don't particularly like golf and I feel far more of an affinity with Americans than Europeans, but this one particular event does capture my imagination and gets me all European. It's so true that sport can bring together people of different races and religions in one common goal. Go Europe!! Regards Doom
  6. There's something for everyone, apart from freeloading Europeans. Regards Doom
  7. Let's hope the bombings take out some of our own home grown Jihadists who have gone over there to fight with IS. Regards Doom
  8. I've always thought there's a greater sense of pride and identity being from Yorkshire compared to other Counties like Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire etc. The only other County that I can think of that compares is Cornwall.....Wasn't there talk of them having independence once upon a time? Regards Doom
  9. I'm with you. I work near the University and walk down Glossop Road/West Street at lunchtime. I think it's great to see all the wide eyed students walking about, it brings a real vibrancy to the city centre. Regards Doom
  10. We've just been for a walk past Tankersley Manor and the car park there looks full, which is unusual for a Sunday morning. Regards Doom
  11. Leave some for the rest of us. Regards Doom ---------- Post added 22-09-2014 at 08:02 ---------- I'm hoping this will be better than the offerings at the Old Hall Inn at Chinley. I looked at the beer list for that event and decided it wasn't worth the effort. There must have been 150 beers, with only 1 over 6% and very few over 5%.......It really was a 4.5%fest. Regards Doom
  12. I'm certainly no fan of Wednesday, but good on them for looking after their supporters and giving them this very good offer. Far too often football clubs try to rip off their supporters, so it's good to see a club giving the supporters something back. Also good to see the offer also extends to Reading supporters. I just heard on Football Heaven that Leeds will be charging Wednesday supporters £41 for the pleasure of entering Elland Road. I know they won't, but I'd love to see Wednesday supporters tell them to shove their tickets where the sun don't shine and not turn up. Regards Doom
  13. Loyalty is perhaps not the best way of putting it. Maybe a better way of putting it is ranking them in order of the pride you feel being associated with a particular area or the sense of identity you have with an area. Do you feel more pride/sense of identity being a Sheffielder than you do being a Yorkshireman (or woman)? Do you feel more pride/sense of identity being English than you do being a Yorkshireman (or woman)? When you're abroad and somebody asks you where you're from, do you feel proud to say Sheffield, Yorkshire etc? I'm certainly proud of my roots. I'm from a great City, in a great County, in a Country that has given the world an awful lot, but if I was to rank them, it would be as per my OP. Regards Doom
  14. For me Scriven has been the best local politician we have had. Whether he's deserving of a Lordship is questionable, but the way they've dumbed down the whole honours system he's probably as deserving as a lot of them. To my mind the honours system should be for the likes of Jane Tomlinson, not some 25 year old £100k a week footballer. Regards Doom
  15. I refuse to watch it. These people are seeking publicity, if it was down to me I'd issue a media blackout of all their videos. Regards Doom
  16. Not only do you provide dodgy equipment for freezing the ice, now you're taking weekend dates off of us....Shame on you. Regards Doom
  17. I quite like the sound of that, I might have to pop in (or should that be hop inn) before hockey on the Saturday. Regards Doom
  18. I can't say I particularly like Alex Salmond and was hoping the no vote would wipe the smirk off of his smug face, but fair play to him, he's been far more dignified in defeat (to date) than I thought he would be. Regards Doom
  19. I didn't think the old roundabout worked particularly well in the rush hour. In the evenings the traffic heading into Sheffield and turning right up Leppings Lane is usually a very slow single lane stream of traffic that often backs up onto the roundabout, holding up the two lanes of traffic travelling out of the city. Hopefully the new lights will give priority to the two lanes of traffic heading up and down Penistone Road, leading to a better flow of traffic and discouraging drivers from using Herries Road as a rat run. The impact of Sainsbury's is another matter, that is bound to increase congestion in the area to some extent. I'm in the cautiously optimistic camp with regards to these changes. Regards Doom
  20. It’s a question I asked my mates a few months ago, but where do you rank your loyalties and take most pride in terms of where you come from? For me it would be: 1. Yorkshire - I'm a very proud Yorkshireman, but wouldn't want devolution from the rest of the UK. 2. England 3. United Kingdom 4. Sheffield 5. European - Apart from Geographically, I've always felt much closer to the USA and the Commonwealth than mainland Europe. For the record, my mates put Sheffield top of the list. Regards Doom
  21. Good....Better together. Now let's all get out of the EU. Regards Doom
  22. Many years ago a secretary where I worked had a big tree in her garden. They asked the Council if it could be chopped down because it was blocking out light from the living room, but were told it had a preservation order on it so it would have to remain. They decided to chop it down anyway and someone reported them to the Council. I believe they were issued with a £500 fine, which was an awful lot of money 20 years ago. The thing is, I remember reading about it in The Star. It was next to an article about some thug having to pay a victim who he'd beaten up something like £250 compensation. £500 for chopping down a tree. £250 for GBH. Somehow it didn't seem right, although I do understand that they needed to make it a substantial sum of money to act as a deterrent against others doing the same thing. As for our Secretary, she thought it was a bargain at £500, because they were finally getting some light into their living room. I don't think there's any moral to the story, but I thought I'd share it with you. Regards Doom
  23. Thanks for the link Ian. Is there any chance of getting a reduction on our Council Tax by getting rid of the entire Council and putting the University in charge of the City? The University do a fantastic job in promoting our city and moving it forwards, whilst our Council... Regards Doom
  24. It's easy to sit and pass judgement on a computer, without having been in that particular environment at that particular time. I found myself shaking my head in disbelief that Jimmy Saville had got away with so much for so long without any senior authority figures taking action against him. I can only assume because of his status people who must have known about his actions, were afraid to speak out and take action. It seems incredible now that so many people who must have known about this were afraid to pursue it further, but I guess that just goes to show what can happen when a particular climate of fear is created. Regards Doom
  25. I just heard that. No surprise it's been going on in Sheffield and no surprise that the fear of being labelled a racist is what prevented anything being done. Toby Foster mentioned that Sheffield Council had told them that action had been taken in the cases the Woman was talking about. The Woman responded by saying that those actions were to move the girls to another care home or city......Nothing about dealing with those in the Asian community who were carrying out these actions. What a mess this country has got itself into, due to the politically correct climate of fear that's been created. Regards Doom
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