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Everything posted by Doom

  1. I guess I'm no longer shocked at how low some people will stoop. Sorry to hear about this Wendy. Regards Doom
  2. Doesn't sport play with your emotions? I think this result is papering over the cracks, but at least it buys Clough some time to sort out the issues. Hopefully the current decent run will also give the players some confidence, which is a big thing in sport. Regards Doom PS. I was correct about Blades Mad.
  3. I'm now off to laugh at Blades Mad and see how two faced they all are on the match thread there. I have to confess though, at 2 - 0 down I was cursing them as well......I've no idea where that comeback came from, but I'll take it. Regards Doom
  4. Didn't they march through Hexthorpe in protest at the Roma migrants causing issues in the area? To my knowledge the Roma aren't Muslim, but I stand to be corrected. Regards Doom
  5. Probably best for all concerned. Whilst I think he's probably been made a scapegoat to deflect attention from elsewhere, there's no doubt he has some responsibility for what's happened and has lost the confidence of the electorate and people he works with/for. Hopefully people will now leave him and his family alone to get on with their lives. Regards Doom ---------- Post added 16-09-2014 at 10:27 ---------- You cynic. Regards Doom
  6. They tend to cycle (or at least drive a low emission car slowly) - Nope. not like football - I enjoy my football. recycle - I'm not the best at recycling. oppose the death penalty - I say hang em high. and know how to make a placard - I wouldn't know where to start. Looks like I fail the do-gooder test. Regards Doom
  7. According to Radio Sheffield someone was assaulted late yesterday afternoon, but they're not in a serious condition. No arrests made to date. Regards Doom
  8. There's nothing wrong with religion, as long as people who are religious don't adopt the attitude that those who aren't with us are against us. Christianity had that problem many years ago and it's currently a big problem within Islam, hence all the sick murders being carried out in the name of that religion. I'm all for Muslims, Christians, Jews etc. having religious beliefs, because it gives them a degree of structure to their lives and provides comfort during moments of great sadness. Regards Doom
  9. I set off to work early in the morning to avoid the rush hour traffic, but this morning for the first time I got held up in traffic due to the new set of temporary traffic lights on the old Leppings Lane roundabout. If there was a build-up of traffic there at 7:15, I dread to think what it will be like between 8am and 9am. Hopefully it's due to the ongoing works and when the new permanent lights are in place things will flow much smoother, but if it is a sign of things to come, there are going to be an awful lot of angry people. I think we need to wait and see what the final outcome is like before going off on one, but in the meantime, I think I might be travelling down the back routes to avoid the A61. Regards Doom ---------- Post added 16-09-2014 at 07:59 ---------- I think the only problem with that is if enough people start using the back routes, they then become as congested as the main route they're hoping to avoid. I've noticed in the last few weeks that traffic seems much heavier heading up Rutland Road, I'm guessing that is partly down to people trying to avoid the A61. Regards Doom
  10. She does like them. I've also never seen anybody get excited as she did last week when she realised a TK Maxx had opened in Cortonwood, she was almost out of the car before it had stopped moving. Still, if it keeps her happy, it keeps me happy. Regards Doom
  11. It's not all bad for Rotherham. Mrs Doom said to me earlier that the centre of Rotherham looked quite nice and she wouldn't mind going there one Saturday to do some shopping. So on the back of this news coverage, it looks like I'm now going to get dragged around the shops of Rotherham. Regards Doom
  12. Let's hope the police put the same effort and expense into catching the real criminals....Those who have exploited kids in Rotherham.....To date they don't seem to have done a very good job, hence why we had this demo. Regards Doom
  13. I've never met him, but he's always come across on here as a top bloke who loves his football. Hope you feel better Pete.
  14. I remember watching a programme many years ago and they said that 'Perth has the climate California thinks it has.' The city looked very clean and I think they said it was relatively crime free for a city of that size. That programme has always stuck in my mind and I've always fancied giving Perth a go if I ever decided to leave these shores. I guess it's a bit isolated though.....you can hardly jump in the car and arrive at the nearest big city in an hour. Regards Doom
  15. I think we should play our best team and that includes Root and Ballance. The game against Somerset at Scarborough maybe an opportunity to blood some of the new talent coming through, like Rhodes and Fischer. Regards Doom ---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 20:56 ---------- Don't forget Colin Graves, without his money there probably wouldn't have been a Yorkshire Cricket Club anymore. Regards Doom
  16. 2 more wickets to go and then....Championies Regards Doom ---------- Post added 12-09-2014 at 11:40 ---------- Champions!!!! A brilliant effort this season by an outstanding team. I think I'll be having a celebratory pint or two tonight whilst watching the highlights on Sky. Regards Doom
  17. Same here. I'm sat working, but every minute or two I look over towards the screen in the hope that another wicket has fallen. Regards Doom
  18. Clearly the wrong answer as far as I'm concerned. It seems obvious to me that there is a problem within the Pakistani Community with regards to child abuse and information relating to this was supressed due to ethnic/religious concerns within the Police/Council/Social Services. Better late than never, but now this is out in the open hopefully in the future we'll see people speak out and act against these sorts of disgusting actions, regardless of colour, religion or social standing. Regards Doom
  19. I have to say I'm surprised that the poll on this forum shows the majority of other Brits are happy to see them go. I personally voted no, because I believe we're better together.....although not in the EU. Regards Doom
  20. I'm afraid the apologists are part of the problem, not the solution. Regards Doom
  21. The best Bond villain in my favourite Bond film. Regards Doom
  22. What about those who walk to work, should they also be paid? What about walking kids to school, rather than driving them....should there be some incentive for that? I think it's a bad idea. If money is going to be thrown at encouraging people to cycle, I'd much prefer to see it spent on better cycling facilities (dedicated cycle lanes and paths) that keep bikes away from motor vehicles, because I don't believe the two mix particularly well. Regards Doom
  23. I'm not sure what I find most worrying, the level of child abuse that's been taking place or the huge cover-up due to political correctness. It was bad enough finding out that the likes of Jimmy Saville have been getting away with crimes for years due to their social standing, but now we find out about this huge cover-up in Rotherham due to religious/ethnic sensibilities, it does make you wonder who or what is next. Hopefully some good will come from all this and we can finally kick political correctness into touch, where it belongs. Regards Doom
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