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About Tommo68

  • Birthday 01/04/1957

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  1. Cannabis used medicinally loads about it on the net and has been in use since before the bible was written (or it would not be in the bible). Governments kowtow to big pharmas and they are scared to death of losing their grip on everything and anything. Here's a starting point Many negative things said about using cannabis medicinally but look carefully at who is saying those things ..the BBC for example. Not people I would trust to not be under the control of government and/or the big pharmas. Of course I do not know anyone in the UK that has used the Rick Simpson method and of course they could not get better because I don't anyone like that. . . . .
  2. Perhaps a trip a good optician would not go amiss. Yes there are a lot of people in sheffield these days from the Far East who are mostly not overweight but I'd also point out most of them are young students. Most of the ones you see on travel shows work hard in physical jobs and would love to be able to afford to eat well enough to put weight on. Diet, exercise and/or liposuction is the only way that works long term. . . . .
  3. Alas not true unfortunately, but as JVK said its better for you than most of these replacement oils. Humans have been eating animal fats for 1000s of years and are able to deal with it in moderation. Some of these vegetable oils were never until fairly recently deliberately eaten in quantity and our bodies are not yet able to deal with them and som eof them contain lots of fats. . .
  4. Suits are outdated really. People that make or wear suits may tell you different of course. Weddings christenings and funerals are really the only reason most people wear suits these days, and of course people trying to show off their wealth. I would say that most people who are in an occupation where wearing a suit is acceptable are for the most part in occupations that most of us don't completely trust. . .
  5. I can see where wills should be overturned but this is only when the person whose will it was can be shown to be not in their right mind. In this case the money was left to charities which seems totally sane, its not as though they had left it all to their dogs or cats. The judge was out of order in this case and I do hope that his will is totally ignored when he dies. . . . .
  6. Have you considered using your apparent psychic abilities for good? But whatever are you moaning about now? ... when in heavy slow moving traffic it is far more ecologically and financially sound to turn off your engine and gently roll down hill. It also helps prevent your engine overheating. Which even an idiot will admit is a far cry from the dangerous and widespread practice in the 70s of allowing lorries to hurtle down hill 'out of stick' . .
  7. I would be as happy to see this woman and her associates sentenced to life (until death) in a sewage pit of a third world prison as I would any other child molester. Has it occurred to you that the asian ones may anger us more because we were stupid enough to allow them into the country and then made us feel more outrage as some people that ought to have been protecting children helped cover up their actions. . .
  8. Are you sure that they all ended up in westminster? I was under the impression that many of them had stayed here. . .
  9. I am not rich , and am no particular friend of the wealthy and I'm taking no sides in this debate. But I would be interested to see how people can justify taxing one set of individuals more than others just because they are successful. Bearing in mind that ..If some of these people were not successful then a lot more people would be out of work. If people are to be punished for being wealthy in the UK then we should perhaps not complain if they choose to invest their money elsewhere. .
  10. Leeds is better placed and has far more to offer it would seem. Over the years sheffield has been allowed to and some say it has been encouraged to, it appears, have become increasingly a badly managed run-down wasteland. . .
  11. Well spotted and it certainly does look like you suggest. Perhaps the OP ought to mention that some of these depressed people might be depressed because the conservatives have failed to put right the mess that labour left us in when they allegedly threw the previous two general elections. . .
  12. If people will continue to force these temptations like money upon the clergy and/or provide unsupervised access to their children by members of the clergy then they perhaps should not be surprised when things do not go contrary to their wishes. . .
  13. One could be forgiven for thinking that now the manufacturers of fizzy drinks (supermarkets with their own brands included) can justifiably if they wish no longer sell drinks containing sugar that they will continue to sell the so called diet versions of those same drinks which to provide the same taste and 'sweetness' now instead contain massive amounts of artificial sweeteners. Now before some of the less well informed start giving these 'sugar-free' chemical cocktail drinks to their children I suggest you look up what is being used instead of sugar. There has been much said about many of the sugar replacements and it is very easy to see for yourself whether or not you want to consider which of those substances you are going to consume yourself and let your children consume. If you claim to value your children then do read up on the long term effects of some of these substances/chemicals etc and what else they have been, or are being, used for. The human body is able... in moderation.. to deal with sugar. Chemicals of course are perhaps another matter completely. I mention no product by name so as to not upset anyone. . .
  14. So desperate have they allegedly become that it would appear that membership of the labour party is available at a give away price and you could pay as little as £1 a year. Their standard rate starts at £3.88 When signing up as a registered supporter – rather than joining as a party member – people must agree to the declaration: “I support the aims and values of the Labour Party, and I am not a supporter of any organisation opposed to it.” With membership charges so low it is very tempting to join just to try and be sure they elect a new leader that will be most unlikely to be able to lead the party to win a general election. As for the statement “I support the aims and values of the Labour Party," I do... I really do as long as they continue to help ensure no general election win in the forseeable future. Seems like a few quid well spent if I can help to keep them out of office. . .
  15. It seems all he had to do IF he actually wanted to was make sure he had some toilets that would be accessible by 'disabled' people. I can not speak for Mr Needham or his situation but I can not in all fairness state that I have ever met a poor dentist. Perhaps he just wanted to retire? Who knows? . . .
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