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About rossyrooney

  • Birthday 14/01/1949

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    gleadless sheffield.

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  1. As I no longer attend you lads opinions are important to me as a way of sifting out the bad bits as well as the good bits. Last week is in the history books,old news, when I referred to negativity I was meaning that the boards were fuller of Uniteds shortcomings, even Wednesday posters were more concerned at Uniteds result and where in Heavens name is all this Alex/BB multiposters coming from. It would seem that anyone who had a deep knowledge of football and the ability to string together a few sentences is immediately suspected and outed as one ou the other.
  2. All this silly talk of doom and gloom, if we had three more points then we would be sitting pretty and none of this negative guff would have been spouted.
  3. Well said Alison ... we all thought the close season would be taken up by guys and gals getting fired up to see the teams come out and prepare to entertain us. Instead it looks like a good few have spent the time honing up their (repetative) slurs and digs rather than being infused with the oncoming football. Someone said earlier "there's always the ignore facility" ... good advice.
  4. I fail to be surprised at anything these days , it seems that the benchmark disappeared into the murky depths a while ago. BTW. G.M. it's good to see you around again.
  5. Agreed, civic pride is hard to come by these days, and I would dare to suggest that it is 90%+ of the cities regions that would fail miserably when put against times gone by.
  6. Promotion and two cup final wins should calm a few nerves.:hihi:
  7. Dad lets daughter die, rather than be touched by 'strange' rescuer Asian father stopped rescue team from saving his drowning daughter By Muna Ahmed Published Sunday, August 09, 2015 A father of a 20-year-old girl let his daughter drown, stopping life guards from rescuing her. He preferred that his daughter die rather than she be touched by a strange man, according to a top official. Speaking to Emirates 24|7, Lt. Col Ahmed Burqibah, Deputy Director of Dubai Police’s Search and Rescue Department said that this incident took place at a beach in Dubai. “This is one of the incidents which I cannot forget. Lt. Col Ahmed Burqibah, Deputy Director of Dubai Police’s Search and Rescue Department said that this incident took place at a beach in Dubai. (Supplied) “It shocked me and many others who were involved in the case. “The Asian father took his wife and kids to the beach for picnic and fun. “The kids were swimming in the beach when suddenly, the 20-year-old girl started drowning and screaming for help. “Two rescue men were at the beach, and they rushed to help the girl. “However, there was one obstacle which prevented them from reaching the girl and helping her. “This obstacle was the belief of this Asian man who considered that if these men touched his daughter, then this would dishonour her. It cost him the life of his daughter.” Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the father of the girl did not want the rescue men to touch his daughter as they were strange men. “The father was a tall and strong man. He started pulling and preventing the rescue men and got violent with them. He told them that he prefers his daughter being dead than being touched by a strange man.” He pointed out that this delay and fight with the girl’s father cost the girl her life. She drowned. “She died unfortunately, at a time when she had a chance to live, especially that the rescue men were so close to her to pull her out of the water.” Lt. Col. Burqibah added that the girl’s father was later arrested by Dubai Police for stopping the rescue team from saving his daughter’s life and doing their job. “He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities.”
  8. Nice one Billy Lad, it's good to see you popping in mate.
  9. You're all a credit to your charities and to your city.
  10. Another charity blinder from the forums own manager:thumbsup:
  11. Sad news indeed and what a wonderful gesture by his friends and colleagues, I'm sure that his family will appreciate all the help they can get at such a distressing time in their life. Will you be putting up a just giving number Matt?
  12. We seem to be damned if we don't Tim, or damned if we do.
  13. Thanks for that Al, I'll pass it on to him. The f.o.c. isn't a problem because he gets paid to be a carer, I think rather than positives he is not too bothered about going along himself and is looking for excuses not to attend.
  14. Can anyone offer advice as to whether the Sheffield clubs admit carers to the match along with their charges?. My mate looks after his Brother In Law who doesn't suffer from physical ailments but rather he feels insecure and they have to do everything together. His vunerability means that going on his own is out of the question so any advice or personal experiences would be most welcome. Thanks in advance.
  15. Twelve.....................Nothing happening down the car park F.?. You're my main source of info:thumbsup:
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