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Everything posted by RichSiddall

  1. Such vitriol, its the one constant on just about every post in this forum. My screens oozing it. I'm out of here
  2. I agree with the sentiment wholeheartedly, I'm always admonishing my niece when she visits mediums, charlatans the lot of them, but I'd not be so rude as to call her tiny minded or stupid.
  3. I'm due on shift tomorrow, start early, I'll see if I can destroy it by 11am, if thats ok
  4. You were right. you saw a child being punched and abused. Your friend is the fool. Good on you for getting involved.
  5. Those are the ones entering the kingdom of heaven, to sit by the throne of god. the rest of the saved get to live forever on a perfect earth, free of hardship and death, they are the meek who inherit the earth. JWs know that the majority of them will never get to heaven but will live forever after the ressurrection.
  6. aliceBB I think i'd have liked you as my teacher. It was strange for me at school, i only did well in classes where i liked the subject or the teacher. guess thats why i screwed up in exams and attendance, After watching programs like the 'Educating...' series I wish i was at school now instead of 30+years ago, I believe I'd have got a lot further with the support available to those that are willing to make use of it,
  7. There is indeed a word COCKLE, v. to wrinkle. Said of woollen goods when they have been rained upon. or more likely COCKLETY, adj. unsteady, standing on a precarious balance.
  8. I'd love to go to Cleethorpes again like in my childhood, its been more than 30 years
  9. I've never been a big fan of fishcakes, so no loss for me there. Their fish is lovely though, nice size, not too much batter and really succulent fish. Its a fairly expensive place but for me its two minutes away, Wolsley road used to be my local and I loved it but this place is nearer. You can also eat in which is nice ps The curry sauce is lovely as well
  10. Indeed. I was eligible for working tax credits when I did agency work. I never claimed them though even though it amounted to about £500 for the remainder of the tax year
  11. As the microwave was my soul means of cooking I was not a happy bunny, normally i'm a very intelligent person. I can't think what possessed me to think it was a good thing to do. VIZ comic tips may have had something to do with it
  12. I was in a rush to get to the pub, it seemed like a good idea at the time, strangely it didn't work out stank the house out for ages and i had to buy a new microwave
  13. No matter how much you try to explain katie, people love to have a dig. they read what they want to read and ignore what you actually wrote. I sometimes despair of people on this forum Yours was a funny tale and ranks alongside my drying socks in a microwave **** up. that cost me a valuable lesson.
  14. Adrian Paris is my deceased step dad's step brother, Adrian's father married my dad's mother. or something like that. We used to go see him as a kid in the clubs. Last time I saw him was in Plumpers about 20 years ago.
  15. As one of RHH newest x ray porters I'd like to thank everyone for seeing all our staff in a positive light.
  16. Downloaded it, itsover 500 pages, can't wait to get stuck into it
  17. I think its one of my greatest strengths, it can be a burden at times but I'd rather have it than not.
  18. This is a bit of a joke. right? Your not seriously mixing The Science of Astronomy up with the complete bunkum of Astrology, no its gotta be a joke.
  19. I lived on Wostenholme Road for nigh on ten years, never had a problem (except a burglary which can happen anywhere) I had lovely neighbours who i class as friends. shops were great. Charlies Pantry is a brilliant sandwich shop.
  20. I'm going to hazard a guess she went to close the gate of her neighbours house where the dog ran back to.
  21. A version of that joke was on this weeks Game of Thrones
  22. Cool no one was hurt. So. Someone misinterpreted what car pooling meant. (Sorry)
  23. That was a faulty can, no matter how clever you were that can would still have still spilt its contents.
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