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Everything posted by montie

  1. There was something very strange about the red car, it was there for a few days and it appears that the owner tried to drive off even though it had been clamped. It had a flat tyre when I first saw it clamped so not sure if that was 'tyre let down' or just a flat tyre... Not seen this sort of thing happening elsewhere in S7?
  2. It is planned that many of the trees on my road will be felled and replaced. The trees are not dead, dying or dangerous, they are not causing a problem to my home or anybody else's home on the road. But some of them are causing a problem that either the roots or the very lower part of the trunk extends slightly beyond the line of the kerb. Maybe by two inches. And the contract between Amey and the Council says (to quote the Account Director at Streets Ahead/ Amey) 'we are required to provide a continuous kerb line'. So the trees that are healthy and have a long life expectancy, that local residents are fighting to retain and even the resident whose house it is right outside (like me) want to retain...the council and amey want to fell a tree that is around 150 year old, which has a long life expectancy because the roots stick out an inch or two across the line of the kerb. It barely seems credible does it. It might have seemed that tree huggers were fighting to keep trees that were dead, dying or dangerous. But actually, those trees have already been taken down because there was a genuine emergency about taking down those trees. Obviously, if the Council knew about such trees, and didn't have them taken down, and they fell and caused damage to property or god forbid to people, well, the compensation claim would be astronomical. But they've already dealt with those, the contract (and the Council) are very clear about that. But the trees that are being felled now? There's nothing wrong with the tree itself. It just gets in the way of a contract that the council has with amey. It literally doesn't make sense, the contractors doing the road repairs could just work around the trees. The trees have been there for (on my road) for around 150 years. And that's why the campaign to prevent tree felling has in excess of 6,000 supports across the city. Not having a continuous kerb line just isn't a top priority. Retaining mature, healthy trees is. I just don't know why you don't support the campaign too.
  3. You are a Councillor and I claim my five pounds (sorry, but who else in real life would talk like that)
  4. Have you checked out the skate/bmx centre on little london road, can't seem to find a website but there is a facebook page if you google. Not sure if its too sporty?
  5. On the issue of the smart motorway, yesterday I was driving south on M1 near Wakefield when the driver of the car in front of me had to pull into one of the emergency laybys. I wasn't aware there was a layby there, we were not too far away from a motorway junction and at first I thought the car was indicating and slowing down for that, so I was slightly alarmed when the car kept on slowing down more and more. It will take a bit of getting used to, to have a car indicating and slowing down to say 20mph right in front of you. I think until the possibility of that happening is in your head, there is a risk that drivers won't be aware and so there will be more risks of collision. I guess the driver yesterday could have put hazard lights on, although I'm sure that technically it was correct to indicate.
  6. I commute north J33 to J36 in the morning and the queues on the south bound stretch between 36 and 35 have been noticeable over the past few weeks/months. Not sure where everybody came from but that section has perhaps always been very heavily congested and it only takes a few more vehicles for it to grind to a halt?
  7. Just had a quick look on Environment Agency website. I didn't know that 'not severe' flood warning means 'flooding is expected'. Severe flood warning is 'severe flooding' - its already happened, danger to life... (Sorry, that was meant to be quoting and in response to jeffery shaw post that isn't there anymore???)
  8. Barnsley is in both Leeds City Region and Sheffield City Region - so it makes sense that Leeds City Region would support the relocation and growth of a business in their region
  9. I didn't know about Liverpool: [email=https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiVt-Lj4a_NAhWkKsAKHRj0DycQFghPMAc&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.liverpoolecho.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fliverpool-news%2Fliverpool-council-set-end-nightmare-9625167&usg=AFQjCNGMUpg421oBMaJEiJoLlukp7QOWaA&sig2=gAY6I7toC9qKct3VY9vAEg&bvm=bv.124817099,d.ZGg]https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiVt-Lj4a_NAhWkKsAKHRj0DycQFghPMAc&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.liverpoolecho.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fliverpool-news%2Fliverpool-council-set-end-nightmare-9625167&usg=AFQjCNGMUpg421oBMaJEiJoLlukp7QOWaA&sig2=gAY6I7toC9qKct3VY9vAEg&bvm=bv.124817099,d.ZGg[/email] Also Birmingham and Herefordshire Councils. (I found all three on Google...had to go to second and third page to find articles on Brum and Hereford contracts) [email=http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/13320471.Herefordshire_Council_prepares_for_its_biggest_legal_battle_yet/]http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/13320471.Herefordshire_Council_prepares_for_its_biggest_legal_battle_yet/[/email] [email=http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/birminghams-27bn-amey-highways-deal-10453106]http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/birminghams-27bn-amey-highways-deal-10453106[/email] Brum article suggests that Council want to carry on contract with Amey but renegotiate terms... they went to court over it last year but nothing on Google suggests this is resolved yet. Council were very unhappy with the quality of work... (Don't know why links don't work?)
  10. Isn't there one off Abbey Lane near Woodseats too?
  11. This article in the Sheffield Telegraph says its the town centre Co-op thats been sold to Budgens http://www.sheffieldtelegraph.co.uk/news/local/city-centre-co-op-supermarket-to-become-budgens-after-sell-off-1-7891631
  12. Nobody else struggle with people not keeping to their lane on Park Square roundabout then? Leaving town, drivers coming down the A61 past Ponds Forge and going up the Parkway seem to drift across lanes even though they don't ultimately choose to change lane...definitely driver at fault On the other hand, coming into town to drive past the station, people in the left hand lane drift into the second lane, even though they're clearly not intending to change lane. I see it so frequently, I reckon that's it the camber of the road that's at fault rather than the drivers...
  13. My step mother is in a care home with 78 rooms. There are 25 parking spaces. I have never seen it full
  14. <Attempt to quote this para and the following link> But let's not forget that Abbeydale Grange was once a school with extremely good results, whereas Silverdale was once seen as a less prestigious school. This changed when the catchment area for Abbeydale pulled in pupils from different areas of the city, and those pupils now attend Silverdale etc. There was a very interesting article about it in the Guardian several years ago - link below: http://www.theguardian.com/uk/1999/sep/15/nickdavies That's an extremely illuminating article, thanks for link. And if those who care to say how stupid of the Council to close Abbeydale Grange and then propose to build a new high school adjacent only five years later, that article shows how Central Government education policy/interference can take a highly performing school and devastate it.
  15. Sorry, but why would you compare the type of Mayor that we might expect to get with the Mayors of two capital cities. If you admire a capital city mayor, think about what might possibly incite them to come and work here? (Sorry, I love sheffield and all that but... Then think about a city in America that is comparable to Sheffield, and think about the sort of Mayor they have. Ordinary, not outstanding, perhaps reasonably competent, unlikely to transform the place and its issues by their mere presence. That's what I expect. Not an earthquake. Just somebody else doing the job that is currently done by civil servants in whitehall. That's what the devolution deal gets us, money that is currently spent based on decisions made in whitehall. They just give us the money and tell us/our mayor to spend it. Bureaucracy moves from London to Sheffield. No great shakes. (Oh, and its all dependent on a bill going thru parliament first) ps - Sheffield budget alone is £1.4 billion... did I read that Sheffield City Region budget is £30 million pps - the devolution deal signed under the coalition govt included bassetlaw, north derbys, chesterfield etc. The devolution deal signed under tory govt only countersigned by Sheff, Barns, Roth and Donc Leaders...
  16. That is ace, I love it, off to find out if Ronnie Pickering has a fan club
  17. Nether Edge Farmers Market is quarterly, but the next one is only two weeks away on 13th September. And I agree that the town centre farmers market was a pretty poor affair, looked like only half a dozen stalls, mainly hot food takeaways, sure it used to be better than that, but perhaps its never generated enough atmosphere and so customers and therefore stallholders have drifted away. Nether Edge Farmers Market is always buzzing and (nearly) always has great weather!
  18. Me and my family all go to Taptonville and I would always recommend the practice. I've had my only ever root canal there and had no problems at all during (it was such a long, boring and painless procedure, I nearly fell asleep) or after - had permanent filling a little while after and all is well over a year later. But you won't have seen the dentist who did my root canal as he's emigrated since. I feel certain that if you phoned them to tell them what has happened, they would see you again in the circumstances and investigate. Not being a dentist myself - if they've taken the root out, what is there left to feel pain?
  19. Hmm, I drove in the queue this morning all the way along Shoreham Street and past BBC Sheffield while they were doing the traffic information...not one mention of the mahoosive traffic jam RIGHT OUTSIDE THEIR BUILDING... They need to take a hint from the Emu Broadcasting company, whose weather forecast used to amount to sticking your head out the window and telling it like it is...
  20. 'Be wary of rushing to criticise the Council'...steady on there, that sort of attitude will get you drummed out of Sheffield Forum
  21. Still on Limes. I noticed that a tree preservation order has been placed on a large Lime near St Marks at Broomhill (in the garden of 442 Glossop Rd). Fair enough, but it seems incongruous that SCC would strongly "defend" one tree (I don't know if/why anyone wants to cut it down and why it must be preserved) yet push for others to go. (This my attempt to quote Easter Sundae from a few days ago!) You are talking about two different parts of the Council. The department (or Amey on behalf of them) that is proposing to fell trees in the footpaths/highway are civil engineers who look upon trees as nuisances to their nice neat tarmac. The department who are putting tree preservation orders on trees is 'Conservation and Environment' and will have staff who are qualified arborists who understand that if a tree is healthy, important to the character of the area and isn't doing any REAL damage to property, then it ought to be protected from damage/loss. It seems to me that most of the damage caused by the trees on Rustlings Road - raising tarmac or verges - happened years ago and we've been living quite happily with it at all that time. I'd defer to the views of users who genuinely struggle to use the footpath because of the tree roots, but I'm not sure that is the case being made for the felling.
  22. I was in the General Cemetery this morning around 10.30 with my dog and a fellow dog walker told me he'd just seen a deer! Thought it might have been diksey until I saw what time you were in the Cemetery. Chap with dog thought to phone the RSPCA but someone else who saw the deer had told him it was not uncommon to see deer there, it's thought that they come down the river. I did another circuit to see if I could spot the deer, but no joy.
  23. Am I the only person who thought from the title that this was something to do with snakes? I'll get my coat...
  24. Pleased to hear you're OK achorste (though think I'd moan a bit more than you do about gash to arm and hip) It helps me to understand a cyclists behaviour to me when I read posts like this. A little while ago I was driving down Derek Dooley Way towards the slip road to Savile St. I'd seen a cyclist undertaking me on cycle path as i was in slow moving traffic, and indicated left to let drivers behind me know that I would shortly be turning left. Cyclist shouted and gave me a right mouthfull. I can see why now, he thought I'd not seen him and anticipated sort of accident you had...or worse.
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