By fluke I discovered this morning that since July this year (2017), and as a result of a supreme court ruling, it is now (and has been since it's inception) deemed illegal to make people pay for one of these tribunals.
This ruling completely slipped under my radar. I didn't hear any reporting of it.
I know that once upon a time, people could take their employers to a tribunal and claim wrongful dismissal or whatever, and it was free. Then in 2013, all that changed, and 'charges' were introduced, which had the obvious effect of pretty much stopping people from claiming, as it was pretty expensive. Especially if you had lost your job.
So since July this year, it's back to a free service.
Not only that, if you were unlucky enough to have to take an employer to a tribunal, and had to pay, you can reclaim the fees you were charged at the time. This applies also to employers, who may have made a counter-claim.