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Everything posted by geared

  1. Have alot of Tory supporters suddenly got shares in airlines or something? Can one of them come up with a solution that doesn't involve flying these people around so much?
  2. Wasn't immigration a big issue during Brexit?? Pretty sure it was. Haven't the Tories been in Government the entire time before, during and after Brexit? Pretty sure they have Didn't they promise to get net migration under 100k? Pretty sure they did that too. The vast majority have been arriving from countries outside of the EU, so all we've gone and done is swap an influx of Europeans to an influx of everyone else.
  3. I for one, would like to congratulate the Brexiteers on successfully taking back control of our borders. Fine work. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67506641
  4. You are the least bit surprised the Torys would do something like this? You may want to lay the blame at the Governments door, but who was it that voted them all in?? How many people went marching to the ballot boxes to put Boris in power back in the 2019 landslide victory?? It's about time people accepted their own portion of blame, maybe they'll put some thought into voting next time round?
  5. I doubt it would even get brought up as an item for discussion in a council meeting to be honest.
  6. but not just that, there's probably 5 grand or so in actual scaffolding there. They could have bought it outright, scrapped it at the end, and still saved over 100 grand.
  7. It's got a decent enough rating, well worth a watch. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1931533/
  8. and yet it'd still be a damn sight more than what they currently have.
  9. They're also being sued by several clubs, which could see them pushed to bankruptcy and further points deductions.
  10. No sense or irony from the person that broke the woman's knee though: Talking of safeguarding adults when they've just put someone on crutches.
  11. As a point to demonstrate, Leeds is the largest city in Western Europe without a mass transit network. https://medium.com/@Bliffman/leeds-is-the-largest-city-in-western-europe-without-a-mass-transit-system-21c0eea13a36 And as something to remember in the future, the Government has announced funding to built a Tram network in the city. Perhaps check back in a few years to see if that actually happens or is just another broken promise to the North. I suspect the latter. https://www.thebusinessdesk.com/yorkshire/news/2114713-government-promises-tram-network-for-leeds
  12. Considering the goings on with ownership, I can't see either club doing much good in the transfer window.
  13. Trams are a massive plus point, especially compared to Leeds. Even Nottingham only recently got one. Big problem is that investment money just doesn't really make it's way out of London, and when it does it's going to larger cities. The council can only do so much, if the money isn't there the money isn't there.
  14. If the Tories vote in Braverman after an election defeat, I think Labour will be quite safely in power for a good while. She's the problem, not the solution.
  15. Wasn't there a time when students could go on the dole during summer break as well? I seem to remember that was abit of a loophole way back when.
  16. I'm sure they want to reduce the state pension as much as possible, but I can't see them ever really removing it because old folk will be up in arms and old folk generally show up to vote, so any party messing around with pensions is likely to get a kicking at the ballot box. Since everyone will be 'old folk' at some point, that issue will never go away. Whoever tries it, at whatever time will get plenty of kick back from the older generation (of the time)
  17. Which war is this then? You're not refereeing to the second world war are you??
  18. I don't think it makes you a victim at all. You've had plenty to deal with, and like everyone else, in general have made it work. You hear the old war stories from boomers about the 70's strikes and high interest rates in the 80's like they're the sole survivor of a global catastrophe.
  19. After living a long and very happy life, by the the 'Next Generation' will be easily over 50 and you could argue, not really that in need of large inheritance. Also don't forget the ease in which the Golden Generation were able to obtain this house. Often afforded off the wage of a single working person. and yet you've dealt with the global economy crashing twice, a huge cost of living crisis, a global pandemic, multiple wars, and the country tearing itself away from it's largest trading partner. and you're not even 40 yet.
  20. It very much depends on your cover, you can easily come unstuck later if you find they consider a windscreen job as any other claim. I've had a couple of windscreens done by Bee Windscreens, they're over near the Northern General. They also have a mobile service. Vehicle glass services from Bee Windscreens (bee-windscreens.co.uk)
  21. Al Jazeera did a decent little documentary about general life in Mandatory Palestine covering the period prior to the establishment of Israel. They kinda glossed over the fact it was then a British territory I felt, but it's an interesting watch.
  22. Judge might need to time gather various reports on the killer before making his decision on the sentence. or they might just be busy. Since they'll be locked up anyway, it's not like there's any real rush.
  23. More not so great news for Castle House Is Kommune on the verge of kollapse? - by Victoria Munro (sheffieldtribune.co.uk)
  24. They're usually victims of human trafficking and modern slavery.
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