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Everything posted by Carmen.

  1. My word, we are getting shirty. Even in type, it sounds so ''not necessary.''
  2. Would it make you feel better / give you a certain ''licence'' if someone else did the same? Not being judgemental Lad....... And what makes you think the doctor was ? If you feel he was suggesting you cut your drinking down, do just that. Take care of your health, do.
  3. Why does it have to be ''sorted out''? Most women like sex and most men like sex. Note I said ''most.'' There hangs a tale also.
  4. I haven't watched television for five months. Now I feel compelled to do so. Shall think about it.
  5. :oThere was once a little rabbit in a family of six. Such a naughty little rabbit, full of naughty little tricks. He would not obey his mother, or his father, or his aunt. And I hardly like to tell you but he sometimes said ''I shan't'' Now one day this little rabbit was out playing in the field, And a huntsman came and saw him, behind a bush concealed. And the little rabbit's mother (who had heard the gun before) Shouted out to Mr frisky ''Come inside and shut the door.'' But she'd hardly got her words out,when BANG, BANG, was heard a sound. And that naughty little rabbit lay, quite dead upon the ground. And the huntsman came and took him, and er'e many days went by. That naughty little rabbit was made into a pie. I feel sure this rhyme contributed to my being veggie from the age of about five. Awwww, poor little wabbit.
  6. Hi Debs Veggie here too AND I have put my heating on for a while. Glad it's not just me. ---------- Post added 19-08-2014 at 01:44 ---------- Hi Plain Talker.
  7. Well! I never did! Well, I have actually but, come on now OMYWORD. There are people out there who walk because nature wasn't so kind, and nothing to do with how they walk naturally. I wonder if a gent/lady in a wheelchair would attract your idle gaze.
  8. Everyone would ''muck in'' I should have thought.
  9. If you know, ....................... you are old.
  10. That's what I love about Christmas. All heart and nothing to do with commerce. I am NOT , repeat NOT a sarcastic soul but Christmas just doesn't cut it for me. I used to love Christmas when I worked over the holiday.
  11. Why is there a problem? Talk. Explain, and remember, it's not what you say, it's the way you say it.
  12. I went up on stage at the Cutler's Hall. Had to do it. Would have kicked myself if I had chickened out.
  13. Why not ask? I would. If I really needed to know.
  14. Samaritans NEVER advise ---------- Post added 07-08-2014 at 00:47 ---------- It's in their training ---------- Post added 07-08-2014 at 00:47 ---------- Not allowed .............. ---------- Post added 07-08-2014 at 00:55 ---------- There are Samaritan branches in Sheffield and Rotherham. It's possible to call in either and have a face to face chat. ---------- Post added 07-08-2014 at 00:56 ---------- Trust me............... ---------- Post added 07-08-2014 at 02:00 ---------- Elphi Would you not say you have to take a stand and stick to a plan?. Operative word, stick. For the young man's good. Best for him would you say? ---------- Post added 07-08-2014 at 02:05 ---------- Ringing Sheffield Sams would be a good move to ease your mind but it is only a listening service. Surely you need more practical help.
  15. Someone calls another a fool . Another suggests another forum member is thick. Brave words when just sat typing them.
  16. Questa Notte played by Ludovico Einaudi. I would have loved to have played the piano, but nature decided otherwise.
  17. Have you a reason for taking such interest? If in doubt ....... leave well alone.
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