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Simon T

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About Simon T

  • Birthday 19/09/1978

Personal Information

  • Location
    Hunters Bar
  • Interests
    films, football, comedy

Simon T's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Hi all We are looking for a keeper for our Saturday morning 11 a side team. Based in Crookes but home games at the Hellipad. Give us a shout if you fancy it or if you know anybody who might be up for it. Half decent team but not exactly World beaters and a good bunch of lads mostly in 20s and 30s
  2. Short notice I know but does anybody fancy playing in goal 11 a side footy tomorrow? We have a keeper crisis and I really don't want to go in net. Kick off is 10.30am. Lifts can be provided. Send me a message if interested
  3. Did you see the article about Gino D'acampo? He has recently legally changed his name to add the new middle name of 'Sheffield' http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/celebrity-juice-gino-dacampo-legally-5491478 I just wondered have ever tried to get people to call you something else, maybe because you don't really like your name?
  4. Did you hear about the young lad that was sent home from school for his inappropriate outfit on National Book Day. He came dressed as Christian Grey complete with sharp suit and err cable ties. Have you ever been sent home for school because of something you wore? Inappropriate new haircut, outfit, tattoo etc??
  5. So this seems to be the basic premise of the new BBC 1 show where members of the public get to go back and say sorry to someone in their past that they wronged or a thank you to somebody that they should've thanked at the time. I think there are probably a few teachers I should say sorry to but what about you? Does anyone come to mind?
  6. Turns out a hand held dust buster is not a brilliant valentines gift. Sends out the wrong message apparently:( oops Anyone received a more inappropriate valentines gift ever?
  7. Ha as a terrible speller I think I may just be bitter. Although as a serious point it does feel that there are fewer people that encourage people to write freely and creatively and more people ready to pick up on grammatical errors. Might just be my perception. Obviously I am not lumping said small girl into this group however.
  8. Did you see this story in the Telegraph about the young pedant who wrote to Nestle? http://www.sheffieldtelegraph.co.uk/news/local/sheffield-girl-writes-to-nestle-after-finding-spelling-mistake-on-smarties-packet-1-7091178 Has anyone ever written to a big company with a complaint and got a load of free stuff or just the odd voucher?
  9. My mate Dunc is making a big song and dance about the Superbowl tonight. He's staying up late, getting beers in etc etc Thing is I know for a fact that he doesn't really like or even understand it (his wife confessed when drunk) He just watches it because he thinks it seems cool So what do you pretend to like (or used to pretend) because you think it makes you cool or because you told your partner ages ago and now cant go back on it??
  10. Does anybody know a witch or someone who is very interested in witchcraft? I would really like to pick their brains
  11. Hi all I'm looking for someone to come on my morning breakfast radio show tomorrow morning to chat about this film. Ideally a bit of a Northern Soul fan who knows a bit about the Sheffield scene too. It'd be sometime between 8-9am by the workstation tmrw morning and very relaxed DM if you fancy it
  12. I'm honestly not rubbing it in. Just curious, which is the first school back this week or are any teachers in today on Monday?
  13. I went to the Zippo circus last night in Endcliffe Park and although I had a great time and ooohed and aaahhed with the rest of the audience, one moment still makes me squirm; Halfway through the comedy jester character in braces went into the audience looking for volunteers to come and make a fool of themselves in the spotlight as part of his act. I sensed that I wasn't alone in freezing and shrinking down into my seat. Luckily I avoided his eye and some poor other sap got selected (he had to very awkwardly do some air guitar moves and jump around) It did make me wonder, does anybody actually like being picked? Has anybody got any excruciating moments they'd care to share or is it all to painful??
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