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Everything posted by Guderian

  1. Agreed. Left 10 years ago, good to see the same negativity is STILL holding Sheffield back.
  2. It’s obvious what the OP meant. Police spending tax payers money on stopping a coach full of adult football fans drinking a few cans on a coach. Not exactly real crime is it? Also, Do they stop stag dos on a coach? Rugby fans?
  3. Maybot couldn't attend the debate as it was re-booting after a disk error.
  4. Probably is, but won't help the OP as it's only available on Android and iOS, not Windows.
  5. The other day I was queuing behind an old woman. She looked kind and gentle. I then realised she was buying the Mail, so in all likelihood wasn't kind, but a rabid racist homophobic bigot, with an aversion to gypsies. .....and aliens.
  6. Vardy is also fairly limited in my opinion. Great season but won't be repeated.
  7. Are you retarded? Why post it in that ridiculous way? ---------- Post added 24-05-2016 at 21:15 ---------- You're not a racist. You're a daft racist.
  8. Isn't that the very definition of a Tory though? It's rather simplistic but those who have and want to keep are Tory. Those who do not have or who do have but also have a social conscience tend not to be Tory.
  9. "In just six years, the Tory government will have borrowed almost double the amount of money that Labour borrowed in thirteen. In May, the Chancellor set himself three fiscal rules, and today, just ten months later, he confirmed that he has broken two of them already. His economic credibility is shot, his competency broken".
  10. Er, so you're just agreeing with what I said? About Labour treating the banks with kid gloves? But then, it was a sign of the times. Pre crash, the Tories wouldn't have treated them any differently. ---------- Post added 14-03-2016 at 00:13 ---------- I'm no Corbyn fan. Not at all. I didn't like Brown either. I just think the country was hoodwinked in 2010.
  11. You linked to a bar chart in your original post which clearly showed borrowing before the crash in 2008 was almost identical to the sums seen during John Majors government. A small deficit is perfectly normal and is often required to kickstart a flagging economy. Along came the crash, caused in no small part by Tory deregulation of the banks. Any government would need to borrow hugely in those circumstances. Linking up quotes from Labour MPs (who were themselves seeking the vote) proves nothing. Of course they were going to say that, to make themselves look more electable. Doesn't mean they believed it. The Tories managed to hoodwink the populace on winning power in 2010, so any vote seeking MP on either side had to abide by this line. If Labour did gaffe, it wasn't bringing the banks into line. It was a banking crisis, pure and simple. Some learning for you: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ramesh-patel/growth-cameron-austerity_b_2007552.html
  12. It's important to look at the deficit prior to 2008, where it was pretty usual. Why do you think borrowing rose in 2008-10? Any ideas, or are you really that dumb?
  13. Is this a trick question?! Or am I missing something?
  14. Thicko. You need to look into the Cuban health system a bit more.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/salim-lamrani/cubas-health-care-system-_b_5649968.html
  15. I lived in Sheffield from 1992 to 2012. During that time I saw Leeds and Manchester go from relative ****holes to what they are today. They have left Sheffield trailing, and I would often become annoyed at the locals resistance to change whilst I lived there. I still recall the common view that "city living" wouldn't catch on. People who worked in town returned to their burbs in the evening, having not spent a penny in the city centre that day, but at the same time moaning that the town centre was drab and had nothing there. I miss the friendliness of Sheffield, and the parks and things like that, but I don't miss the continual droning on about the past.
  16. That's because they are out making things happen, unlike Sheffield folk who sit and post on here, talking about the "good old days"....
  17. Not clever. The Sky box is not meant to be turned off at night, neither are routers. Are people really that tight?
  18. Incorrect. Every nth transaction it forces PIN entry, n is determined by a number of factors -account status etc.. You may not notice as every time you use an ATM for example, it resets- as bank knows proper cardholder is holding card as you've entered a PIN.
  19. Waddle world class but Robson not? What rubbish. Additionally, apart from a few games Barnes was a real let down for England.
  20. He was drunk. He's just a fat has been who gets ****** in Dore all day......
  21. Almost as sad as your post on it.......
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