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About samssong

  • Birthday December 26

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    ball room dancing .
  • Occupation
    home warden

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  1. Any idea on how to get rid or stop them please.
  2. Why do we need this stupid break in the best weather in early season .especially in the lower leagues where one or two players maybe playing for outer Mongolia or Scotland . Its daft and in Wednesdays case means no home football for almost a month.
  3. I keep getting dodgy emails from Russian ladies who appear to be very fond of me for some reason. I have been advised to put the messages into spam but I do not have a button that says spam . What intrigues me is how have these emails started when I at all times make sure that I only email known sites . Where is the spam button on outlook on a mac.
  4. Add to this all the wars and uprisings that are fought in the name of religion . The genocide that occurred in Europe and Armenia etc plus the leaders of these Countries who have all been propped up by their various gods .
  5. As an experienced club cyclist who has ridden fixed wheel on many occasions then riding on the road without a front break is riding like a maniac in my opinion .
  6. He is just a puppet ,all those grinning old men in army uniforms dripping in medals are pulling his strings and it is the army that keeps the people in order .
  7. The tablet has a mind of its own, I recently searched for The Milky Bar Kid add on youtube and was happy to hear that old tune again complete with Milky Bar. The problem that every time I Google owt now I get the Milky Bar Kid tune in the back ground its driving me daft . Any advise on how to get rid of the little turd would be appreciated.
  8. What are you doing in KENT!!!!!
  9. With a chip in your neck no one could pretend they were you , Lord Lucan would be found instantly by the central chip bank, all doubts about wether Elvis was dead could be put to bed as the chip would still work six foot under . If the idea catches on then I claim the patent here and now on the World wide web.
  10. I have lived in villages in North East Derbyshire , Creswell, Hodthorpe, Whitwell areas ,where people who say they are not related are exact clones of others who say they are not related , peas in a pod comes to mind:hihi:. Now having a neck implant would cut out all doubt as to relationship if say the chip beeped when similar D.N.A popped up as and when in a clinch behind the bike sheds for instance . This would save much hand wringing in later life when an old relation pops up to put the cat among the pigeons wunt it.
  11. Shut thi gob having him on , I mean with a chip in the neck there will be no more muggings to steal ones credit cards , driving licence , bus pass etc . A simple "please lean over sir" (or madam) "while I scan your neck" will do . I suppose that a real determined mugger could cut ones head off and present it at the till but surely the shop assistant would realise some thing was amiss and call the manager;)
  12. Chipping could also help with financial problems . you know bank loans , over drafts , savings etc. Apply for a loan , mortgage , over draft, all the bank need do is check your chip , it will tell them if you are trust worthy or not. Apply for a job , all the employer need do is click your chip and get all your details , easy .
  13. I have evert faith in Carlos the best manager in South Yorkshire
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