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The Golden Generation, It's Coming To An End Now, Big Time.

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19 minutes ago, Anna B said:


As you keep bringing it up (glad you're taking note,) I'd have thought if you really cared you would have looked it up by now.


I've explained it before. I'm not about to copy out Wikipedia for you. Look it up yourself.

It was Mister Gee who wanted to know what it meant . 

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3 hours ago, Mister Gee said:

Seeing as you’ve mentioned it, could you give us a succinct definition of Neoliberalism?



or to put it at its briefest:


Neoliberalism is Free Market Economics on speed, with the big sharks eating

the little sharks, until there is only one winner left. Winner takes all, and has everyone else is at his mercy. 


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7 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

What phone and computer do you use?


2. Who didn't invest? The Tories or Labour? Or you mean private companies? They did invest, in other countries where labour costs were cheaper. The same happens now, no different at all. 


3. The only reason people ignore green industries is because it's more expensive. 

People don't want nuclear power, when clearly we could solve all our power problems with it. 

People don't want electric cars because you can't charge them, and it's becoming more expensice when you do.



You don't remember Sheffield's Forgemasters applying to the government for investment then,  so they could fabricate some of the essential parts that would allow them to build nuclear reactors?


Instead the government gave the contract to the Chinese.

That is until they wised up to the fact that having China build our nuclear reactors wasn't necessarily a good idea....


Now we are unable to replace our nuclear generating plants which have reached the end of their natural lifespan and are being shut down, leaving us with an electricity deficit.


Edited by Anna B
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On 10/11/2023 at 17:13, Mister M said:


Hang on a minute Chekkers, you remember signing on the dole when you were a student?

Weren't you complaining only a few posts ago about the state taking over people's lives, and everyone should show personal responsibility?

Well if you believe that people should take personal responsibility, why didn't you put those words into action and get a job rather than relying on the state for your income?

There weren't many jobs about in the early 80s, though, over all, it was still a far better time to be alive.....

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32 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There weren't many jobs about in the early 80s, though, over all, it was still a far better time to be alive.....

I am sure that middle aged blokes in 2060 will be hankering after the good old days,(today)just as my parents looked back to their youth when I was having a great time in the 1960s and 70s.

Age and responsibility have much to do with it.

There has never been a golden age for everybody.

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17 hours ago, Anna B said:



or to put it at its briefest:


Neoliberalism is Free Market Economics on speed, with the big sharks eating

the little sharks, until there is only one winner left. Winner takes all, and has everyone else is at his mercy. 


You mean to put Anna's over simplistic, biased spin and horse crap on the actual definition.

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