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The Golden Generation, It's Coming To An End Now, Big Time.

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20 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There is no way employers should be forced to provide a pension, whatever happened to personal responsibility ? If the state thinks everyone should have an earnings related pension they should organise it themselves not hand it over to the employers to sort out (along with everything lese they have got to do) and pay for it.


It does make you wonder where the Government want pensions to go? Do they have a plan to make employers responsible for all pension entitlemant or just have a flat state pension, then the employers pension is the cherry on top?

13 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

2 - If people could live forever it is likey that having kids would be outlawed....

Climate change will cause the end of the world as we know it, yet having more children are still encouraged.

Edited by El Cid
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16 hours ago, El Cid said:

At least we now have 100% of workers with 8% workplace pension contibutions instead of 25% with 20% pension contributions, plus the state pension has risen 18% more than inflation since 2011.

Some people just like to moan  :)



18% you say. I don't know about that but it needs to go up by at least 60% to get near the minimum that the government states.

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29 minutes ago, El Cid said:

It does make you wonder where the Government want pensions to go? Do they have a plan to make employers responsible for all pension entitlemant or just have a flat state pension, then the employers pension is the cherry on top?


I'm sure they want to reduce the state pension as much as possible, but I can't see them ever really removing it because old folk will be up in arms and old folk generally show up to vote, so any party messing around with pensions is likely to get a kicking at the ballot box.


Since everyone will be 'old folk' at some point, that issue will never go away.  Whoever tries it, at whatever time will get plenty of kick back from the older generation (of the time)

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2 hours ago, geared said:

Which war is this then?


You're not refereeing to the second world war are you??  

Of course I am.

And what have you got against old people except jealousy ?


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, geared said:

I'm sure they want to reduce the state pension as much as possible, but I can't see them ever really removing it because old folk will be up in arms and old folk generally show up to vote, so any party messing around with pensions is likely to get a kicking at the ballot box.


Since everyone will be 'old folk' at some point, that issue will never go away.  Whoever tries it, at whatever time will get plenty of kick back from the older generation (of the time)

People do put the stae pension on a pedastall, but yet its a benefit that goes to people that have never worked. People that have worked all their life and get the full pension get less than those that have never worked and get pension credit.

1 hour ago, spilldig said:

18% you say. I don't know about that but it needs to go up by at least 60% to get near the minimum that the government states.

I dont say it, the IFS worked it out.

You want it to go up another 40%, I guess you are retired or near retirement?

Did you want to increase taxes to pay for it?

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

It does make you wonder where the Government want pensions to go? Do they have a plan to make employers responsible for all pension entitlemant or just have a flat state pension, then the employers pension is the cherry on top?

Basically all governments want to get expenditure and responsibility off their books onto someone else's. But, critically responsibility must be on someone's shoulders, not on the individual, because individual responsibility is not the modern way.....


What is so shocking about pension auto enrolment is it occurred under a Tory government, because, it is more like the kind of policy a Labour one would have bought in.

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Woe betide people take responsibility for their own future and save for it.


Seen someone on anther forum asking if its a good idea if to pull out of the Local Government Pension Scheme and get a refund on their contributions. Believe it or not, not a single person has said its a good idea.

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

Climate change will cause the end of the world as we know it, yet having more children are still encouraged.

That is doubtful, and certainly not in this country it won't.

Actually, you are right in a way. Just like with Covid it was the world's response to the threat, in this case "manmade global warming", that ensured / will ensure that things really would / will not be the same again.


1 hour ago, geared said:

Wasn't there a time when students could go on the dole during summer break as well?  I seem to remember that was abit of a loophole way back when.

You are correct, I remember doing it.

Edited by Chekhov
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