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Everything posted by HeHasRisen

  1. Did you pay the tickets you got when you drove through the Arundel Gate bus gate numerous times and missed all the huge signs telling you not to?
  2. I looked back.. 20.55 is the highest since early December. Still below cap though.
  3. I actually worked it out as 20.55, maybe you are on a slight different formula to me. No wind at the moment and gas prices relatively stable. Also remember the cap goes up to over 23.5p in Yorkshire from Sunday anyway. Wind up a slight bit over the weekend.
  4. Surely the filters on Rightmove will show you one bedroom bungalows.
  5. Not necessarily true, in Vegas the machine at a hotel also dispensed the "key".
  6. I remember when the Tour de France came to Sheffield and we had people on this forum seriously claiming people would die because ambulances would be blocked. Oh and that all the shops on Foxhill wouldn't get their deliveries. On a Sunday.
  7. Indeed, that would drive me nuts, having to queue up behind a load of people just to buy a pint of milk.
  8. Erm no they didn't. Did you actually read the link posted above or do you not know how to click links either?
  9. "A lot"? Its about 100k out of a school population of roughly 10 million 🤣so around one percent https://www.theguardian.com/education/2024/feb/29/number-of-children-home-schooled-in-england-rises-by-more-than-10000
  10. Aye if its defo council ignoring it is the worst thing he could do
  11. He wont know how to do a Google search tbf, if his inability to post links is anything to go by.
  12. Anyone old couple or individual rattling around in a huge property and is struggling to pay bills can do something very easy to solve the problem. Take a guess what that might be?
  13. If you can use a forum you can copy and paste a link.
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