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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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37 minutes ago, sfrob said:

OK - there's a lot of bite from multiple sides in a heated debate here and we need it to  cool down a little.

This is a general message, not specifically to you:

Please everyone, be pleasant and engage in constructive good-faith debate. Some of the conversations have turned into "me vs you" - petty arguments - think about the wider context here, the pain and suffering people are going through.

Please continue to make reports for perceived unacceptable behaviour and Beca and I will deal with them ASAP. We will continue to issue bans should the behaviour warrant it - which is not what we want to do, but there becomes a point where enough is enough.

I thank all who've engaged in constructive, good faith debate.

Understood Rob 👍

47 minutes ago, RJRB said:

And you could post a picture of a NF rally,or Trumps finest supporters parading their white supremacist Nazi regalia..

What a sick nonentity you are.



I think you should read Robs post. 

If you remove the insult I won't have to report it 

It's up to you.

47 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

It wouldn't help, it's mainly in Chinese!!!


Basically, China has decided now is the time for a navy training exercise near Taiwan


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That should stir things up a bit. China have been increasingly aggressive towards Taiwan.  Let's hope they don't use the current confusion to cause bigger problems for Taiwan. 

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:



His one CONSISTENT demand was that the NATO countries should come up with their promised fair share of their own defense costs (U.S. had around 300,000 U.S. Service Men and Women based in Europe, to prevent the enlightened socialist moral supremacists ,many of whom have no love for America, from killing each other again).

Which is in itself BS, because NATO members make their own decisions on what percentage of their gross domestic product to spend on defense.


They don’t owe NATO money if they spend less than other countries choose to do.


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

They were delinquent, getting a free ride. And they brag about all the 'free stuff" they give their citizens.


And they did pay up!

No, they didn't, they made a commitment to move towards 2% over the next decade, they made no guarantees.

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  • SFBeca locked this topic

Dangerous times again.

Something is not right here...in Syria he backed Assad and we backed the rebels...but he never resorted to these kind of statements.

Something has changed in his personality.

If his inner circle have any sense...someone will take the battery out the nuclear football.

He is being backed into a corner here with the lack of progress in Ukraine...and we need to give him a face saving way out.


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