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butlers last won the day on May 1

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About butlers

  • Birthday 03/08/1966

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    outdoorsy,reading, dogs,radio,

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  1. Just had a look on their Twitter , 350 tonne castings. I know they used to have open days
  2. Crowdstrike had another massive break in service relatively recently
  3. And as to that set of people who hold the phone HORIZONTALLY 6 inches in front of themselves, I would be risking an SF ban saying my thoughts on.them
  4. I am very prone to teling snotty youth playing tinny music, extra loud on buses to please turn it down This often doesnt always work, I then tell.them I will be perfectly happpy to drop their phone out of the window, with a unhindged stare that usually has the right effect
  5. I did a day course as the charity had spare spaces and needed an extra to "buddy up" up on one of the tasks. Maybe 5 weeks later helped a woman having an epileptic fit ,something that had been covered. What was noticable in the pub ,there was maybe 30 people just watching before another guy and me put her in a safe position and observed her till she recovered . If you have not got it on your phone download the SAFE App. It covers the big problems and walks you through your response
  6. Definatly weather modification going on the the 40 billion tons of CO2 we add to the atmosphere each year
  7. Mind you the americans also supplied the Russians with equipment too
  8. This goon not over impressed with the result.
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