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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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20 minutes ago, sfrob said:

I'm trying to fact check this and understand the context - please could you help?


Additionally I'm not sure what you are intending to connote - please could you clarify that too.

We are getting frustrated by some of the comments on this thread at such a sensitive time.


Sheffield is an incredibly welcoming and tolerable city and I think some of the posts on here paint it in an incredibly poor light.

I agree whole heartedly and I accept my part I that. I'll endeavor to be more sensitive in future posts 👍

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3 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

a link/video would be nice. I've seen a video that was live streamed by the Ukraine army during the attack. You can hear gunfire. Lots of reports saying they were all killed. Haven't seen any saying they surrendered.  Not saying they didn't surrender.

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3 minutes ago, Findlay said:

A Battlegroup of 2,000 British troops in Estonia. Snatch squad direct to Moscow. Bye Putin.

British troops to Estonia to discourage Putin from invading, fair enough.


That means they are a snatch squad to grab Putin? I'd lay off whatever it is you've been smoking if I were you.

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1 minute ago, RJRB said:

And you could post a picture of a NF rally,or Trumps finest supporters parading their white supremacist Nazi regalia..

What a sick nonentity you are.



Agreed. The UK has its own small sects of Far Right Neo Nazi groups. Should we invite Putin to come and invade us?

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1 minute ago, RJRB said:

And you could post a picture of a NF rally,or Trumps finest supporters parading their white supremacist Nazi regalia..

What a sick nonentity you are.



It's not a like for like. There is a history of Nazi armed forces in the area. Trump doesn't have Nazis as supporters.

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3 minutes ago, Zinger549 said:

a link/video would be nice. I've seen a video that was live streamed by the Ukraine army during the attack. You can hear gunfire. Lots of reports saying they were all killed. Haven't seen any saying they surrendered.  Not saying they didn't surrender.

(1) Russians With Attitude on Twitter: "What appears to be footage of the Ukrainian garrison of Snake Island surrendering to Russian troops has surfaced; earlier the Ukrainian government had claimed they they refused to surrender and had all died heroically https://t.co/6I6tbQS0Fx" / Twitter

Just now, RJRB said:

Your brain is fried

Good point.

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15 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold. 

Simply that this situation isn't black and white. We as in the west are painting one side as evil despots and the other side as innocent victims.

Both sides are equally guilty and the only innocents are the civillians who as always bare the brunt if war.

I'm not a fan of war, any war. 

OK - there's a lot of bite from multiple sides in a heated debate here and we need it to  cool down a little.

This is a general message, not specifically to you:

Please everyone, be pleasant and engage in constructive good-faith debate. Some of the conversations have turned into "me vs you" - petty arguments - think about the wider context here, the pain and suffering people are going through.

Please continue to make reports for perceived unacceptable behaviour and Beca and I will deal with them ASAP. We will continue to issue bans should the behaviour warrant it - which is not what we want to do, but there becomes a point where enough is enough.

I thank all who've engaged in constructive, good faith debate.

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1 minute ago, SheffieldBricky said:

So the Russians have claimed they've surrendered. They'll no doubt be providing evidence they've captured them soon then. I'd advise you don't hold your breath waiting for it though.

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