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  1. We shouldn't need to. It's the religion of peace.....that's what the side of buses tell me.
  2. I'm sorry but it basically is an amenesty. The home office will be under pressure by Labour to clear this backlog that Labour have said they will sort. So some claims will be rushed through and granted. The ones that get refused will remain in the system because Labour won't remove any of them much like the Tories didn't. Labour will not manage to do anything different that the Tories didn't think of doing which ultimately means removing those with no right to be here.
  3. Your assuming that those from overseas are only able to work on the back of a work specific visa. Their overseas workers may be here in a different visa which allows them to work with no restrictions on the level of job required
  4. This. However if it's something widely established as fact and not an opinion, then it's still wrong because we've all been duped by the MSM..
  5. Please just ignore him. He's openly admitted that he just s**t stirs.
  6. Says a lot about the influence of the Culture Wars when someone is prepared to take the life (and their own) of an ex president over an actual tyrant that has invaded another country and helped kill millions. Neither side come out of this as looking good.
  7. True enough but to praise the new minister for having a meeting as though the Tory one didn't? It's over egging the pudding. Praise her when she's actually achieved something. Otherwise you might as well highlight her success at turning her laptop on .
  8. This obsession with Boris is really unhealthy. It's ok, he's not around to hurt you anymore
  9. o that's not true, Starmer has promised to create a command to deal with arrivals. I think he's going to call it Border Force Mark II
  10. He can't scrap it straight away. No flights may take off but I bet we still pay the money promised to Rwanda.
  11. As I thought. A random YouTube video that doesn't mention Rishi, Keir and is only talking about American politics. S**t stirring again
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