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Undercover Police To Patrol Streets.

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'Undercover police will patrol town centre hotspots under new plans to tackle harassment of women.'

'Boris Johnson announced the initiative last night as part of a package to make the streets safer for women in the wake of public outrage over the killing of Sarah Everard.'


Why undercover? Surely policemen in uniform will be more of a deterent? And town centre hotspots are generally not the places where women are attacked; just as likely to be in a dark quiet suburb with no one about than in the centre of town.  


We've been asking for more police on the street for years and it's never happened. Yes police have to go undercover sometimes, but this smacks more of introducing us to the idea of a police stasi state to me. How long before undercover policemen are all over the place checking up on us and demanding to see our papers? 

Edited by Anna B
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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

'Undercover police will patrol town centre hotspots under new plans to tackle harassment of women.'

'Boris Johnson announced the initiative last night as part of a package to make the streets safer for women in the wake of public outrage over the killing of Sarah Everard.'


Why undercover? Surely policemen in uniform will be more of a deterent? And town centre hotspots are generally not the places where women are attacked; just as likely to be in a dark quiet suburb with no one about than in the centre of town.  


We've been asking for more police on the street for years and it's never happened. Yes police have to go undercover sometimes, but this smacks more of introducing us to the idea of a police stasi state to me. How long before undercover policemen are all over the place checking up on us and demanding to see our papers? 

Smacks more of something that will never happen in reality. Usual headline grabbing then the idea is left to wither and die.


But I agree with you regarding the need for police to be undercover. Seems like rather than deterring would-be attackers, the idea is to let them attack to reveal themselves, then nab them. Not exactly reassuring.

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My concerns about this proposal are that men who want to attack women using fake police IDs to secure the confidence of women who are vulnerable into attacking them. 

Also the police themselves hardly have a sparkling record when it comes to covert undercover operations; i.e. infiltrating various groups who are perceived as 'threats' (whatever they are); forming relationships with them under false presences, impregnating them then moving on, leaving the women and babies with no idea who they are.

This idea of undercover police to patrol streets just hasn't been thought through I don't think.

Edited by Mister M
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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

'Undercover police will patrol town centre hotspots under new plans to tackle harassment of women.'

'Boris Johnson announced the initiative last night as part of a package to make the streets safer for women in the wake of public outrage over the killing of Sarah Everard.'

Dont we all patrol the streets, 90% of us have a mobile phone. Is this just causing women to be more fearfull, of crimes that are quite rare. Boris Johnson responding to peoples fears, that is what he does, rather then evidence.

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14 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Dont we all patrol the streets, 90% of us have a mobile phone. Is this just causing women to be more fearfull, of crimes that are quite rare. Boris Johnson responding to peoples fears, that is what he does, rather then evidence.

He's not trying to just stop murders, he's trying to make women feel safer. He's doing it all wrong, but the murder of Sarah everard is the just the tip of a very big iceberg.

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36 minutes ago, bassett one said:

well are we not going to get a huge increase in police anyway?,so more police should mean safer streets,

We haven't seen a copper on our streets for donkey's years and I don't expect that to change even when they set a few more on.

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14 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

He's not trying to just stop murders, he's trying to make women feel safer. He's doing it all wrong, but the murder of Sarah everard is the just the tip of a very big iceberg.

Murder rates for males is twice that of females, females life expectancy is also 3 years longer.

13 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

We haven't seen a copper on our streets for donkey's years and I don't expect that to change even when they set a few more on.

Even the traffic wardens no longer wear hi-vis in Leeds; that seems to go counter to logic to me. Police and traffic wardens are a deterrant, but only if people think they patrol the streets.

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