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I guess Bush didn't do all the above but with more vigour.


Is this an argument that goes like


"Trump is awful because, x, y, z"

"Yeah, but previous republican presidents were also awful"


As if that somehow makes Trump better? :confused:

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The relelations in the recent Book by Michael Wolf just adds more fuel to the controversial President. Can you actually believe any of this stuff?
One claim which I find very easy to believe, is that Trump never wanted nor intended to actually get the POTUS job in the first place.


Exact same situation as the unexpected Brexit 'win' vote in June 2016: the law of unintended consequences catching up with opportunist snake oil merchants in a big way.


Obviously Trump didn't learn enough from Mr LePen (and daughter), long-time masters at riding populism to the near-top...yet never quite high enough to actually having to shoulder the responsibility of office and delivering.

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This is brilliant from Woolf,well said that man:



Woolf said that, like any journalist, he has recordings and notes and is “in every way comfortable” with everything he reported in the book.


“My credibility is being questioned by a man who has less credibility than perhaps anyone who has ever walked on earth at this point,” he said.


Pressed on whether he stands by everything in the book, Wolff replied: “Absolutely everything in the book.”


A recurring theme in Fire and Fury is the question of Trump’s fitness for office. Wolff suggested that even the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and daughter, Ivanka Trump, have lost faith in his ability to do the job.


“Certainly Jared and Ivanka, in their current situation, which is a deep legal quagmire, are putting everything on the president,” he said. “‘Not us, it’s him.’”


Wolff added: “I will tell you the one description that everyone gave, everyone has in common. They all say, ‘He is like a child,’ and what they mean by that is he has a need for immediate gratification. It’s all about him. He just has to be satisfied in the moment.


“They say he’s a moron, an idiot. Actually, there’s a competition to sort of get to the bottom line here of who this man is. Let’s remember, this man does not read, does not listen, so he’s like a pinball just shooting off the sides.”


The White House has pushed back against the claims of Trump’s incapacity, the press secretary, Sarah Sanders, saying on Thursday such claims were “disgraceful and laughable”.


On Friday, a longtime friend and confidant of Trump rejected Wolff’s suggestion that the president is losing mental stability.

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You know he's really, really, completely appalling when you look at George W Bush and think - 'That's what a real president should be saying'.
He is a laughing stock of our country and we thought OBAMA was bad!!!!



Its sad the trumpettes cant see how bad this maniac is!!

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This is brilliant from Woolf,well said that man:



They all say, ‘He is like a child,’ and what they mean by that is he has a need for immediate gratification. It’s all about him. He just has to be satisfied in the moment..


His tweets wrt Kim Jon Un are like playground taunts:


My d... is bigger than your d...



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I wouldn't normally comment on this thread but here is an interesting link that states that author can't even be sure if parts of his own book are true.




And this is apparently in the books authors notes.


I also don't want to get into arguments either way, I have no interest in Trump or the American election system but it seems that the misinformation works both ways.

Edited by samonosuke
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Trump speaks his mind, and in a language his people can understand.


I'm not a fan, and I don't like the things he says, but this is still somethiing our politicians could learn from. I'm sick and tired of them beating about the bush and evading the issues with meally mouthed, patronising excuses. Get to the point and don't waste our time...

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This is brilliant from Woolf,well said that man:



Woolf said that, like any journalist, he has recordings and notes and is “in every way comfortable” with everything he reported in the book.


“My credibility is being questioned by a man who has less credibility than perhaps anyone who has ever walked on earth at this point,” he said.


Pressed on whether he stands by everything in the book, Wolff replied: “Absolutely everything in the book.”


A recurring theme in Fire and Fury is the question of Trump’s fitness for office. Wolff suggested that even the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and daughter, Ivanka Trump, have lost faith in his ability to do the job.


“Certainly Jared and Ivanka, in their current situation, which is a deep legal quagmire, are putting everything on the president,” he said. “‘Not us, it’s him.’”


Wolff added: “I will tell you the one description that everyone gave, everyone has in common. They all say, ‘He is like a child,’ and what they mean by that is he has a need for immediate gratification. It’s all about him. He just has to be satisfied in the moment.


“They say he’s a moron, an idiot. Actually, there’s a competition to sort of get to the bottom line here of who this man is. Let’s remember, this man does not read, does not listen, so he’s like a pinball just shooting off the sides.”


The White House has pushed back against the claims of Trump’s incapacity, the press secretary, Sarah Sanders, saying on Thursday such claims were “disgraceful and laughable”.


On Friday, a longtime friend and confidant of Trump rejected Wolff’s suggestion that the president is losing mental stability.


Ha Ha Ha , "well said that man" . It seems the author is using poetic licence , for his book sales


---------- Post added 05-01-2018 at 22:24 ----------


I wouldn't normally comment on this thread but here is an interesting link that states that author can't even be sure if parts of his own book are true.




And this is apparently in the books authors notes.


I also don't want to get into arguments either way, I have no interest in Trump or the American election system but it seems that the misinformation works both ways.


Its all unravelling now :)

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Trump speaks his mind, and in a language his people can understand.


I'm not a fan, and I don't like the things he says, but this is still somethiing our politicians could learn from. I'm sick and tired of them beating about the bush and evading the issues with meally mouthed, patronising excuses. Get to the point and don't waste our time...


Which is a load of bobbar in a language understood only by idiots.

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