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Royal Hallamshire & the A floor cafe.

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I don't know about the NGH but at the RHH the volunteer run shops always close about 15 minutes before their marked closing time which in itself is about an hour before outpatient appointments finish. Its ALWAYS closed when I'm desperate for a snack/coffee after a late appointment.


So if Costa means later opening times I can only see this as a plus for patients and visitors.


Obviously I'm not going to sing praises of higher prices, but if the alternative is not having any service at all.....


Exactly so - the same problem at the NGH. RVS has served a purpose for many years but the world a moved on and people want a little more than a luke warm drink from a polystyrene cup. It's the end of an era but time to move on into the 21st century and time to give people what they want when they want it.


---------- Post added 07-02-2018 at 17:24 ----------


Here we go Daven the troll always at the ready!! Its got nothing to do the Sheffield Star its got everything to do with STH grabbing more money and putting money making first

The WRVS have always been popular in Sheffield hospitals and have done a fantastic job all with volunteers and they are now being thrown out with the rubbish Bring on the Costa Coffee shops who no doubt will be filling their space and their profit margins whilst putting zilch back into the hospital community Next they will be replacing the tea trolley on the wards selling their wares to sick patients . I hope the WRVS severe all ties with the greedy STH


Here we go Ms Interpret - pulling the 'troll' card out when you are backed into a corner :roll:


---------- Post added 07-02-2018 at 17:26 ----------


Maybe they need the money - you know to put towards making people better and that.


God forbid that STH should try to improve the environment and facilities for it's patients, visitors and staff !


---------- Post added 07-02-2018 at 17:29 ----------


Give me the AMT coffee shop any day...


Yes indeed - a little haven in the madness of a hospital environment.

NGH should be proud of it.


---------- Post added 07-02-2018 at 18:57 ----------


Didn't a similar thing happen recently where hospital transport volunteers were given the heave-ho to be replaced by City Cars? How did that all work out? How did this go down with service users?


Is this Sheffield Trust's decision to usher in privatisation of such services or is it a national one?


I am surprised that Daven is so welcoming of privatisation within the NHS.


---------- Post added 07-02-2018 at 05:15 ----------



Are you absolutely sure of this? How is STH going to measure client satisfaction? By money in the coffers, or by actually listening to service users? I hear that at least one hospital welcomed a McDonald's on site. No one can say that they aren't a very popular and lucrative enterprise.


I'm not 'welcoming privatisation in the NHS' - I am welcoming the idea of being able to buy a decent cup of coffee at work. There is a very distinct difference.

Edited by Daven
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If the WRVS aren't running the cafe any more, surely they could fill volunteer positions inside the hospital. I'd like to see them helping to feed patients who can't feed themselves on the wards (nurses don't have time,) perhaps visiting/reading to patients who don't get many visitors, fetching prescriptions from the pharmacy, or the odd essential item from the shop that the patient has forgotten. That sort of thing.

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If the WRVS aren't running the cafe any more, surely they could fill volunteer positions inside the hospital. I'd like to see them helping to feed patients who can't feed themselves on the wards (nurses don't have time,) perhaps visiting/reading to patients who don't get many visitors, fetching prescriptions from the pharmacy, or the odd essential item from the shop that the patient has forgotten. That sort of thing.


A good idea but wouldn't every volunteer going onto wards where patients are need DBS checks ?

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If the WRVS aren't running the cafe any more, surely they could fill volunteer positions inside the hospital. I'd like to see them helping to feed patients who can't feed themselves on the wards (nurses don't have time,) perhaps visiting/reading to patients who don't get many visitors, fetching prescriptions from the pharmacy, or the odd essential item from the shop that the patient has forgotten. That sort of thing.


... and out would come the far left banners and screamers on QT...


look at the state of the torys, we have to beg volunteers to feed people (they'll probably focus old or children)


I can hear them now on the news ''teary eyed'' - 'the poor children and old people who've worked all their lives, have now to fed by volunteers'


can't see it happening Anna. Red tape in modern society, as well as the above.

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I'm not 'welcoming privatisation in the NHS' - I am welcoming the idea of being able to buy a decent cup of coffee at work. There is a very distinct difference.


Is there? I think you might be being a little naive.



First they came for the RVS, and I didn't speak out because I adore designer coffee.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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I don't know what the rvs run cafe is like. Personally I do think that costa coffee is very overrated. Fair play, they are very successful but their coffee is average at best, the tea is weak however long it's left to brew and a lot of their other drinks are sickly sweet and fattening :gag: Their sandwiches and cakes are dry , boring and overpriced.

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The rent paid by the company will be the same if not lot more than the WVRS have raised so I don't see the issue. You will be able to get a great drink and expect a decent stand of place rather than being served in some poor tired run down place. The volunteers can go and do other things within the hospital to support. Anything that can raise more money is great.

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I don't know what the rvs run cafe is like. Personally I do think that costa coffee is very overrated. Fair play, they are very successful but their coffee is average at best, the tea is weak however long it's left to brew and a lot of their other drinks are sickly sweet and fattening :gag: Their sandwiches and cakes are dry , boring and overpriced.


They are that bad yet you've had all these products from them?

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