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Everything posted by lazarus

  1. I buy mine from Amazon or Prink on line, the savings is huge.
  2. Richard Branson sold Virgin T.V. a while ago but grafitti is terrible no matter where it is, the Old General Post Office in the square that's recently been restored, the brainless irkes have already sprayed their inane writing on its walls. Surely these people must have been seen on CCTV somewhere in town doing their hobby!
  3. Yesterday Several trees have been felled in the small wood on the corner of Gleadless Road and Blackstock Road, I d like to know why as they didn't seem to be in a bad state.
  4. IT really amazes me that a child who attends school with a near perfect record is taken on holiday in term time, mainly because it's cheaper, then the parents are fined- YET- every day I see children never at school and their parents never get fined. Something's wrong somewhere.
  5. Four days after the event the Star decide to make it headline news about the woman being attacked by two men on Gleadless Valley, they are certainly on the ball!
  6. What you don't seem to grasp is that it's yobs from nearby estates that are mainly to blame for break-ins etc. Some are from this estate but not all and as for it being a dump you have to blame the dregs that are given properties here and think it's fine to throw nappies, rubbish and such out of a window. Rubbish is dumped anywhere but that's not the fault of the estate.
  7. If a biker had hit a tree and maybe passed on, yes The police would be there.
  8. Why AGAIN? could be that some nuisance biker has hit a tree.
  9. When I past at 10:05 the hole was no bigger than 2ft square, news getting blown all out of proportion yet again.
  10. ???!?¥¥! Can't get my cap on, for a disco?
  11. Go on picture sheffield put Caravan in the search box and look for picture No 01684 and read the accompanying text. This is the type of caravan Orwell was referring to.
  12. That can't be as the lights on the road where I live come on at different times.
  13. There was an article in the Stars Retro supplement under Where Thi Ells That which had an accompanying photo of such a caravan and the unfortunate people who lived in it. It was a caravan as we know today it was a much smaller cart not unlike a farmers cart, with wooden roof and sides. If you look on picture Sheffield you should be able to find it. ---------- Post added 27-04-2016 at 08:30 ---------- They were carts covered with wooden sides and a roof, they were not Gypsies and they were not prefabs.
  14. Thirty? More like a couple of thousand that tried to force their way in.
  15. No matter what this jury has decided, I still firmly believe the mindless fans who turned up without tickets caused the problem, it's sad that people died but Liverpool people always want to blame someone else.
  16. I worked in the Sidney St area for over 25 years and to see it all demolished for predomidently student accomodation is terrible, there's more to this city than building horrible flats for students, the old works could have been used as small workshops, antique emporiums, cafes etc.
  17. Why is it you cant say what's true without someone bringing the race card out, like it or not that's how it is. The Mods can remove my post but it doesn't change the truth does it?
  18. Seems nobody has mentioned that the murders that have occurred on Gleadless Valley were all committed by people from other countries and are not Sheffield people, it was just unfortunate that Gleadless Valley has had its area sullied by them.
  19. It's a film about a woman who starts doing Anne Summers parties, they have been filming on Newfield Green quite a few times, they were on Spotswood Mount yesterday. The United car park is being used simply because it can accommodate all their vans and lorries.
  20. They've been filming around Sheffield for months, especially on Newfield Green on Gleadless Valley, it's nothing to do with football, it's a film about a woman who starts doing Ann Summers parties and how she progresses. The crew dressed Newfield Green shops in the style of the seventies, I couldn't believe what a great job they did.
  21. Nothing to do with making Cutlery, the info is high on the front gable, The Sheffield Metal Co was close by ( cutlery & blank maker) it was called the Cutler just to ride the coat tails of a once great industry in Sheffield. So forget Cutlery Manufacture.
  22. Open borders is the worse decision ever made, the Terrorists must be laughing their heads off.
  23. Crozzled comes from the old bits of Furnace Crozzle that can still be seen topping old stone walls, some can be seen on the wall near the railway bridge on Charlotte Road.
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