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Everything posted by VickyA

  1. Tesco also have them : Tesco cake But obviously give the store a call to check they stock it.
  2. Pets at Home have these (in stock last weekend at least) : Pets at Home Or cheaper here : Argos
  3. Our tap water's suddenly gone hard - bits floating in tea Anyone else in Oughtibridge noticed this? Hopefully it's just a passing thing, and will change back again??
  4. I went in today, the new owner was very helpful, hopefully business will build up again, especially towards Xmas. They're now open Tues-Sat 9-5, and Sunday 10-3, so it'll be easier to catch them open now!
  5. Costco do some lovely ones, if you're a member or know someone who is.
  6. Presume it was Cleggy : http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/local/clegg_goes_dore_to_door_to_win_votes_1_3341713
  7. It's still coming down steadily in Oughtibridge, I can't imagine it'll be any better over at Bradfield..
  8. Well it's snowing fairly steadily up in Oughtibridge, and sticking to the paths.. The horizon looks, erm, white, is this going to stay for a while? My inlaws are in their way up the M1 from Buckinghamshire, typical!
  9. Erm, isn't it supposed to be snow showers this morning, then a sunny afternoon? It's completely whited out (?) here in Oughtibridge, has been coming down the past couple of hours... It's absolutely chucking it down now, settling on the garden and roofs but not on the tarmac so far.. It is going to stop soon, isn't it??
  10. How old's your son? You might be able to find a pro willing to take a group of reasonably sensible kids through some basics at a driving range, but it would be dangerous if they're likely to be silly with them, and they won't let complete beginners on a course.. Try asking the golf pro at your local golf club/driving range if they'd take a group, then organise food either at the club eg. Rother Valley, or at a nearby pub if it's just a driving range eg. Windsor driving range at Loxley.
  11. It's chucking it down with snow in Oughtibridge at the moment!
  12. Trams are all stuck in traffic along West Street towards the University apparently - presume we're heading for the great Sheffield weather-induced gridlock again. Oh joy....
  13. Yup - no buses through from Stocksbridge to Oughtibridge and into town in last hour, and traffic is bumper to bumper along that road anyway.
  14. You could try buying some bath melts from Lush and chop them up yourself, and put them in a kilner jar (Asda were selling them for £1 each when I was there a few weeks back) and decorate the jar with ribbon. A little plastic tea cup would be good for a scoop, attached with a loop to the jar maybe?
  15. What size are you after? People might have some to tide you over until you can order new ones. It's not mandatory though - I've seen quite a few kids in plain navy blue sweatshirts, so you'd be able to get away with that, certainly in the first few weeks.
  16. I've just rung Yorks Water - they were unaware of a problem and they're sending out an "inspector". Might be an idea for you to ring too to show the extent of the loss - we're up towards Jawbone Hill. It's 0845 1 24 24 24, brace yourself for the brass band hold music...!
  17. It starts at 1, and is in Coronation Park, next to the river. There are a few more details here : http://www.oughtibridgegala.co.uk/index.php?id=3.
  18. There's only one - St Christophers. They've been good every time I've used them, for MOTs etc. You can't miss them - they're off the main road on the edge of the village as you drive towards Middlewood - the hill down to the service area's a bit steep so be careful!
  19. I'll try the filters - thanks. My phone's through BT, and my ISP is PlusNet. Both modems are broadband - the old modem's a Voyager from PlusNet, and the new one's a Belkin - I've always swapped between them at least once or twice a day for the last few years due to having to print stuff off (only via the PC) or if I needed to at least pretend I was working from home (it's my own business so only shirking on my own time..!), so preferred to be sat down in front of the PC in the study instead of lurking in front of a laptop in the kitchen. What I really don't understand is that all I do is swap the phone line from the back of the old modem to the back of the new one, but the new one still won't go online. I'll have to dig out the instruction booklet for the Belkin and see if there's a troubleshooter in there. I'm a bit loathe to start unpicking the cables and filters in case this broadband goes down as well though..! Any other ideas?
  20. I'm a bit baffled and would appreciate some help. The story so far... I've been working at home on my laptop this morning, via a modem/wireless router plugged into the primary telephone socket, and then on my PC, plugged in to the primary socket but via a different external modem (my PC's a bit ancient and can't be plugged in to the newer modem/router). All fine. I switched the PC off to go on the school run, turned on the wireless router when I came back in, and neither that nor the other phones in the house are working. The PC's ok, through the old modem, and I get a dial tone if I plug my old faithful corded phone into the primary socket, but just silence through the other sockets. What can have suddenly gone wrong, and what can I do about it? Thanks in advance...
  21. This isn't today's thread! Make sure you check the right one...
  22. Oughtibridge Primary is definitely closing at 12:30, although despite what they told at least a few parents this morning, they're not going to ring around, just expect parents to find out and get there..
  23. The road up from Oughtibridge towards Grenoside was slushy but relatively clear at 9am, but it's now chucking it down, and I don't know what it's like up at the Jawbone corner as I joined it half way down. Oughtibridge itself was clear down the middle of the road but slushy at the edges where cars had been parked overnight. You might be best phoning the crematorium to check. Out of interest, does anyone know if Jawbone Hill's being priority gritted now that the road's open below and it's no longer a diversion route?
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