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hackey lad

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Everything posted by hackey lad

  1. why not make tony blair pay .he earned over 20 MILLION last year and paid about 2 percent tax .is he another tory rich boy . i think he is
  2. pretty obvious ---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 22:23 ---------- world student games aka world stupid games ---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 22:25 ---------- we cannot be so lucky
  3. julie dore . what does she say about the sevenstone project? what about the refusal of next at meadowhall ? what about old post office building ? what next for the old market areas? nothing but give her a chance for a photoshoot at the opening of a new charity shop and shes there like a shot .who is jule dore?
  4. i really dont think that £30000 is going to affect schools ,old folks homes etc
  5. two of the biggest bullies that ever lived . no more no less
  6. do not worry we have got clive betts and david champagne socialist blunkett to look after sheffield
  7. one year ago today stuart white sadly passed away. rip old friend
  8. clive betts is more interested in getting visas for brazalians than looking after the peopleof sheffield
  9. last i heard geoff was living on psalter lane . lived there for over 20 years that i know to
  10. a prime example is hackenthorpe village school.a grand building with a beautifully kept village green . then it closed and was left unsecured for years , left open to theft and vandalism, then comes the excuse , its unsafe and needs to be demolished .then hey presto the land is sold for bog standard private housing ,losing a lot of heritage in the village. nothing more than legalised vandalism . anyone involved should hang their heads in shame
  11. old hippy .my parents live at number 10 , have done since about 1965 .my brothers were born in that house . i was about 1 year old when we moved there . sylvia jobar still lives in the same house she is good friends with my parents. i have often wondered who lived there before us
  12. think you should look at op again . they are talking about the hollin bush on hollinsend rd , intake
  13. not really much to worry about. sometimes get a few lads smoking illicit substances[ which i am not condoning by the way] but you can get this on any estate , few kids having a football kickabout but generally its nice . it is only a small estate [2roads] so its not big enough to have good/bad areas . great if you like countryside /woods . no shops but only 15 mins walk to hackenthorpe or crystal peaks . also great for the tram
  14. its a nice area .very well kept ,most people keep their houses and gardens in good order. streets are clean .sonetimes things happen same as any area but generally its ok
  15. yea good old blunket says hes going to ask questions how this happened . it happened under your government david . he held high office three times and had to leave each time under a cloud . an abhorrent man . champagne socialist of the highest order
  16. my green bin is already full due to winter pruning ,raking leaves up etc .can any bright sparks from the council or on here give me an idea what to do with it .
  17. good .might make sainsburys wake up and put more staff on tills . never been to sainsburys and not queued
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