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Has Hamas/Israel Started A Very Serious Conflict?

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An article from 2014, so the tunnels were no secret to the current administration
The Long History Of The Gaza Tunnels


The question of who gave permission is always going to be fraught with difficulty, as the administrators of the Gaza strip have varied, with the passage of time and different policies.
No surprise they were built though, as the Israeli administrations supposedly restricted what was able to pass via official routes.

Israel Gaza blockade study calculated Palestinians' calories a Reuters report from 2012 about a 2008 policy; again many other articles available

Wikileaks has published diplomatic cables that showed Israel told U.S. officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse" while avoiding a humanitarian crisis.
To circumvent the blockade, Palestinians have brought in tonnes of goods through smuggling tunnels dug under Gaza's border with Egypt.


As stated by many people far more expert than me: this didn't start last October

Edit; Just found an article which provides a bit more detail
Haaretz Exclusive | 2,279 Calories per Person: How Israel Made Sure Gaza Didn't Starve
The point of the "red lines" document was to see if this number of trucks in fact met Gaza's needs. But according to Gisha, UN data shows that the number of trucks allowed into Gaza each day often fell below this level.
COGAT, then headed by Maj. Gen. Amos Gilad, translated the government's policy of restrictions into two lists.
The long one detailed the forbidden goods that couldn't be brought into the Strip (including, for example, building materials, needles, cloth and other raw materials, cleaning and bathing supplies, books, musical instruments and processed hummus). 
The short one listed those that could be brought in. The guiding principle was that instead of the supply of goods being dictated by demand, it would be dictated by the quantities and varieties deemed necessary by COGAT.




Edited by peak4
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15 minutes ago, Alextopman said:

"Smuggling tunnels".

I don't think anyone will admit to permitting them.

I ask again .

Who controls any construction in Gaza.i.e. supply of concrete and other materials if within Palestinian territory as part of their defences .

Tunnels exiting in Egypt or Israel have been quite rightly targeted and destroyed.

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23 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I ask again .

Who controls any construction in Gaza.i.e. supply of concrete and other materials if within Palestinian territory as part of their defences .

Tunnels exiting in Egypt or Israel have been quite rightly targeted and destroyed.

There's a partial answer to that in my first link in post 79 (unless posts get deleted again)

Ross described how, as a U.S. envoy, he urged Israel to allow Hamas to import cement even though he knew, at the time, that Hamas had been using cement for military purposes.

Another article from a similar time frame, which seems to fit with the intention of bolstering Hamas; Times of Israel 2014

‘Cement for rebuilding Gaza diverted to terror tunnels’

"According to the reports, some of the cement and other materials being delivered to the coastal Palestinian territory, as part of an international rebuilding effort, has been diverted to the tunnels.

Hamas has realized that the tunnels, which were used to stage attacks on Israeli military targets during the war, provide it with a psychological edge over residents of Israeli border towns in the area, Israel Radio reported in an unsourced report.

However, military sources told The Times of Israel on Friday that Hamas was being careful not to divert cement that is being supplied to the Strip for rebuilding. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity."

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13 hours ago, peak4 said:


I'd suggest that mods aren't deliberately censoring your posts to cover anything up; similarly I had one vanish yesterday as it was caught up in bickering between others.
I've seen similar on several forums in the past, where one or more posters continue to make false allegations against another on an emotive subject, often because they have a problem with the legitimate views expressed, and won't engage in rational evidenced debate.

It's then used to supress discussion, as per the Shulamit Aloni I posted earlier, or used to entice someone into making an unguarded comment, which can them be quoted out of context in order to show them in a bad light.
Last time I was party to similar, several members (not on this forum), all claimed that one member was making provocative comments by falsely claiming he thought and said things which he hadn't.
I'm not suggesting mods here would, but in that instance they joined in, and eventually the "troublesome" member was either banned or left (In that case opposing Brexit and expressing socialist views was enough to have him targeted for false allegations on a different topic altogether).

In this case the false allegations are sometimes what would be a criminal act in the UK i.e. the support of a proscribed organisation.
Someone can then be provoked into an unguarded comment, which can  be further mis-represented, and even reported to the police.

It's also not helpful when people edit the quotes of another poster, the original gets deleted by mods as part of a legitimate cleanup, but the edited one remains and further shows the targeted member in a bad light

Forum mods do have a responsibility, and maybe even a legal one.


SFBeca has liked post 60 so that’s my confirmation that the mod maybe biased towards Israel. If you don’t see me post here again then you will know why.

I have taken screenshots of the post where poster says no genocide being committed by israel  and have a screenshot of the people who have liked the post. The mods are supposed to be neutral so why is sfbecca liking a post saying no genocide is being committed by Israel?

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9 minutes ago, mafya said:

SFBeca has liked post 60 so that’s my confirmation that the mod maybe biased towards Israel. If you don’t see me post here again then you will know why.

I have taken screenshots of the post where poster says no genocide being committed by israel  and have a screenshot of the people who have liked the post. The mods are supposed to be neutral so why is sfbecca liking a post saying no genocide is being committed by Israel?

That is because  genocide is  not being committed as has been explained to you in post 61 . Are you saying that others cannot have or give their own point of view because it goes against yours .

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11 hours ago, Axe said:

Thank you for the explanation.



Post #60⬆️

13 minutes ago, mafya said:

SFBeca has liked post 60 so that’s my confirmation that the mod maybe biased towards Israel. If you don’t see me post here again then you will know why.

I have taken screenshots of the post where poster says no genocide being committed by israel  and have a screenshot of the people who have liked the post. The mods are supposed to be neutral so why is sfbecca liking a post saying no genocide is being committed by Israel?

My bold.

Or she could have been acknowledging Axe for thanking her?

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12 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

That is because no genocide is being committed as has been explained to you in post 61 . 

Turning off water, limiting aid, food and medicines, bombing hospitals etc etc

Lasers around the world are saying it is genocide so how can you even have the audacity to say it isn’t? 🙄

8 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Post #60⬆️

My bold.

Or she could have been acknowledging Axe for thanking her?

My it’s to you with links were deleted they didn’t contain any bad language just links so why were they deleted?

The links were of the Israeli generals son and another one about why Hamas attacked when it did plus a couple of videos of Palestinians denouncing Hamas.

i never put a single swear word in any of the posts and was not in an argument with anyone so there is no valid reason for the posts to be deleted

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I also posted the links again a few hours after they were deleted and they went missing again!!

10 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Post #60⬆️

My bold.

Or she could have been acknowledging Axe for thanking her?

I reposted the links again a few hours later and they again went missing.

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