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mafya last won the day on June 6

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About mafya

  • Birthday 26/04/1973

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    on one of the 7 hills of sheffield

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  1. If you look at the post I made straight after I stated my bad got it wrong it was the photo that was fake. Sometimes after a long day at work you brain can miss read things I’m afraid..
  2. Sorry my bad the pictures circulating about the officers broken nose injuries are from 3020 according to the article..
  3. Just read that the police officer suffering a broken nose di£not happen!, link her= https://inews.co.uk/news/misinformation-manchester-airport-arrests-3191072?fbclid=IwY2xjawERCkFleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHZAfG8R4ff5T9Kw4Zc9v057N3EKbHFYJTJmtD5KSZAtj5OKqyMOc70bohA_aem_eT0VWswsygUibVa25SOhlQ
  4. Ideally this is what should be done according to the law but in reality if your mum is getting racially abused and then to top it off the abusers are then ramming a trolly into your mother then I’m afraid if it was me I would probably end up in a fist fight myself and I actually have been sent to prison for unlawfully dealing with someone who disrespected my dad and then proceeded to look for me with a weapon and 2 of his cousins. I was 25 at the time and ended up causing him GBH and received a long sentence for it. I have never assaulted any police officer though…
  5. You are being a slippery snake again go look at gaz786 post where he says it may be terror related and I reply that they knew it wasn’t and you quoted my post and said “did they?” keep slithering its what you do best always trying to twist things..
  6. They were called out to an incident of assault between members of the public, if it was terror related they would have been told it was terror related and every copper available would have be3n dispatched…
  7. Won’t let me multi quote but when I replied to gaz786 that the coppers knew it wasn’t terror related you quoted my post and posted “they did?” stop trying to w@nggle out of it like a slippery snake…
  8. Is English your first language or are you just not good at understanding English? 😂I
  9. Read the post again and when you fully understand it then post..
  10. Oh I agree but sometimes some officers let their own prejudices effect their actions unfortunately..
  11. No I corrected your wrong assumption , are you now trying to take the thread down another path because to be honest I havnt got the time to play along tonight so will leave it at that. He wasn’t a terrorist and the police wasn’t under the impression he was a terrorist either but to chuck the cat amongst the pigeons I will say I think its a case of police brutality against an ethnic person but I don’t know wether it’s intentionally because he was ethnic person..
  12. No here you go hopefully back under wherever you crawled out of to post nonsense
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